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Wednesday, July 04, 2018

A Viewer Writes:

City of Salisbury share this WBOC article...........Jake is such a pompous ass. The city ASKED for a beer garden?


  1. Jacob Day, you’re a disrespectful criminal. You just sold several hundred thousand dollars of the peoples waterfront property for pennies on the dollar. Your a bungler and a moron. Certainly hope Mr. Dishroon teaches you a lesson about public humility.

  2. a) why is it "unfortunately"?
    b) he didn't get the joke about putting flowers there


  3. Building the 'bury economy one bartender and waitress job at a time. Jake's vision!

  4. And welfare housing for His democratic voters.

  5. jakes just like his dad how you think he got to top of perdues, jakes brother is same way

  6. Well the only businesses that to be able to survive downtown are bars, so a beer garden should survive almost as well as a flower garden. 9:00 AM you are definitely right Jake didn't catch the pun from Mr. Disharoon.

  7. Mr. William Disharoon works at Wal-Mart in Fruitland. He is a common sense man and he should school some people like pompous ass Jake.

  8. Lol has the drinking rules been relaxed or something with all this promoting of more drinking.

  9. Can we please have potholes fixed in this town instead of stupid beergardens being built? Please Jake Day there is a big pothole at the corner of Sheffield Ave and Snow Hill Road and why your city employees do not see it is beyond me. Will you please ask them to fix it instead of driving by it all the time.

  10. What a jake ass. Sorry ment jack ass.

  11. And YOUR hard earned money is paying for this! What do YOU have to say about this??? Ignorance breeds ignorance and for those of you who Don't like this; Do something about it. Let your voices be heard everywhere!!! You have power and don't use it!!!

  12. Anyone ever think to see if and where jake day may be stashing the dowry

  13. Simple but numbers needed. Boycott "Jake's downtown"!

    Refuse to ride those stupid littered bikes. Refuse to patronize his cronies running bars! Don't go to the impending wreck of a folk music festival. Ignore the damn festivals. Tell his Gestapo police how disapproving and disappointed the citizens and their neighbors are that they are following this dangerously deluded child clown.


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