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Friday, July 27, 2018

A Viewer Writes: This seems to be a trend with the Democrats

Josh Hastings is putting his signs in locations without permission. This is at the old Highs Ice Cream location, near the Board of Education, which has been vacant for many months and it isn't locally owned. 


  1. Democrats are entitled. End of story.

  2. If the property owner removes it , is he guilty of Theft??

  3. Call the City and have Henry remove it from the property.

  4. best place to put it as owner might not ever find out

  5. Pull them out and throw them in the garbage.

  6. Actually, call the Wicomico County Board of Elections (410-548-4830) and they will have it removed and caution the candidate.

  7. There are signs on common areas from Salisbury to Easton that say VOTE DEMOCRATIC ALL THE WAY. How is they are allowed? Do we call the Board of Elections for those counties as well?

  8. Dumbocrats have no respect for laws or decorum.
    Dumbocrats are liars cheats and thieves

  9. Lying Josh did this same stunt 4 years ago. His signs are all up and down Rt. 13 on gas station property. He got the idea from his boyfriend Liberal Jim.

  10. Vote Suzannah Cain for County Council District 4.

  11. Josh Hastings is a member of ANTIFA Wicomico and endorsed by the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus. Nothing but a group of far-left misfits.

    These misfits include:
    Josh Hastings
    Bill McCain
    Ron Pagano
    Seamus Benn
    Jared Schablein
    Michele Gregory
    Dan O'Hare
    Jake Burdette
    Michael Feldman
    James Yamakawa
    Pastor John Wright
    Jamaad Gould
    Sarah Meyers
    Judy Davis
    Jim Mathias
    Michael Pullen
    Judy Davis
    Kirkland Hall
    Jake Day
    Jim Ireton
    Chuck Cook
    Jackie Welfonder

    Feel free to add to this list.

  12. Democrat Mark Bowen's signs are popping up all over properties that seem "vacant" so we know permission wasn't granted.

  13. He's a Millenial buddy of Jake Day so Gay Day won't do anything about it, but I hear the city has been taking up his opponent, Ms. Cain's and other Republican signs.

  14. add jack Heath to your list. He is just as bad. will do to the county what Jake is doing to the city. also add Amber Green and magical Molly

  15. Josh Hastings did you put your sign there without permission??

    Come on Josh, own up to it? We know you read Mr. Albero's Blog. Have you forgotten that you yelled out that you would become a Republican if they didn't support Joe Albero?

  16. Anonymous said...
    add jack Heath to your list. He is just as bad. will do to the county what Jake is doing to the city. also add Amber Green and magical Molly

    July 28, 2018 at 11:25 AM

    I agree. Is Amber Green a city employee? What about Molly?

    What is Molly's last name?

  17. Updated:

    Josh Hastings is a member of ANTIFA Wicomico and endorsed by the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus. Nothing but a group of far-left misfits.

    These misfits include:
    Josh Hastings
    Bill McCain
    Ron Pagano
    Seamus Benn
    Jared Schablein
    Michele Gregory
    Dan O'Hare
    Jake Burdette
    Michael Feldman
    James Yamakawa
    Pastor John Wright
    Jamaad Gould
    Sarah Meyers
    Judy Davis
    Jim Mathias
    Michael Pullen
    Judy Davis
    Kirkland Hall
    Jake Day
    Jim Ireton
    Chuck Cook
    Jackie Welfonder
    Jeff Schablien
    Amber Green

    Feel free to add to this list.

  18. Updated:
    Josh Hastings is a member of ANTIFA Wicomico and endorsed by the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus. Nothing but a group of far-left misfits.

    These misfits include:
    Josh Hastings
    Bill McCain
    Ron Pagano
    Seamus Benn
    Jared Schablein
    Michele Gregory
    Dan O'Hare
    Jake Burdette
    Michael Feldman
    James Yamakawa
    Pastor John Wright
    Jamaad Gould
    Sarah Meyers
    Judy Davis
    Jim Mathias
    Michael Pullen
    Judy Davis
    Kirkland Hall
    Jake Day
    Jim Ireton
    Chuck Cook
    Jackie Welfonder
    Jeff Schablein
    Amber Green
    Earle Hatton
    Christopher Aulerich
    Susan Hargreaves Parker
    Chad Parker(Susan Parker's adult son)
    Elizabeth Graisbery Parker(Susan Parkers daughter in law)

    John Wright is the Gay Minister at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Salisbury that got arrested in Worcester County for trying to attack a Republican counter-protester. That's right a gay minister, attack, arrested. Doesn't sound Christian-like to me.

    Jeff Schablein is a Boy Scout troop leader... I mean Scouts BSA. Very Scary. I've heard some horror stories there.

    Christopher Aulerich the same guy that was arrested and charged with MDOP for writing ANTIFA graffiti on downtown Salisbury buildings belonging to Wicomico County, including the courthouse where the Civil War plaque is located.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate cops and encourages cop killings.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate ICE who are cops and supports abolishing ICE.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate Blue Lives Matters and supports cop killers.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives celebrates the killing of cops.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate white men.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives are are members of Black Lives Matters and supports their Hate Crimes.

    ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives are members of Showing Up For Racial Justice, Delmarva.

    Dan O'Hare is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Maryland House of Delegates, 37B.

    Jamaad Gould is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Council, At Large.

    William "Bill" McCain is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Council, At Large.

    Michele Gregory is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Council, District 3.

    Josh Hastings is running as a Progressive Democrat for Wicomico County Council District 4.

    Jake Burdette ran as a Progressive Democrat and got elected to the Wicomico County Democrat Central Committee. Very Scary! What are you people thinking?

    Seamus Benn ran as an underage Progress Democrat for the Wicomico County Board of Education and lost.

    Jared Schablein ran as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Democrat Central Committee and lost.

    Earle Hatton ran as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Democrat Central Committee and lost.

    Do not vote for any of these ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives who are Fake Democrats and trying to take over our government. You will be sorry.

    Do not vote for:
    Ben Jealous
    Dan O'Hare
    Jamaad Gould
    William "Bill" McCain
    Michele Gregory
    Josh Hastings

  19. Lying Josh's sign at the bottom says "For Fairness & Opportunity." Fairness about what? Opportunity for who and why? There is nothing that is not fair in our county or county government. There is opportunity for everyone who gets off their lazy a$$ and works.

    Who is going to vote for Lying Josh because he is "For Fairness & Opportunity?" What kind of campaign platform is that? Sounds like he stole that tagline from another LGBTQ Progressives campaign yard sign.

    Lying Josh you definitely give many of us normal the creeps. Please vote for Suzannah Cain if you live in District 4.

  20. What's up with those little "V" things on his sign? Is that supposed to represent seagull? Those birds that sh!t on everyone? Typical Josh Hastings and his Democrat buddies sh!t on all Americans.

  21. Jake Day you were sworn to uphold the city laws, codes and the Constitution. It's your job to get your code enforcement people to take those illegal campaign signs down.

  22. In plain view of the Board of Education. Trying to secure the votes of those liberal school board employees.

  23. Josh Hastings is a major liar and a liberal idiot tree hugger. This is not the person you need on the County Council, vote Susannah Cain for District 4.

  24. From Lying Josh's Facebook page.

    Josh Hastings
    June 27 ·
    Honored to win the Wicomico Council Primary Election last night, but November 06th is the real hurdle. Thank you for all the wonderful support and please like my page

    Ok, seriously! If anyone is paying attention he didn't have an opponent in the Primary Election so what is it that he won?

    Just like Gay Day didn't have an opponent in the city race so they make it sound like they were deserving and worked so hard to win a race.

    What a bunch of losers that fall for crap like this.

    Vote Susannah Cain so we don't have to see his lying arse again.

  25. I just saw a picture of Josh Hastings in a cap and gown and read 2 comments.

    When you have people like Susan Hargreaves Parker and Mary Ashanti congratulating you then you know you are a true Left Wing NUT!

  26. Josh Hastings has been sporting pictures of him and the daughter of this cop turned criminal. It's all a show to prove he isn't gay. It's not working Josh, we know better.

    Sunday, January 08, 2017
    Captain John Massey Of Maryland Natural Resource Police Arrested For DUI & 4 Other Charges


  27. Josh Hastings treasurer is Harlan Eagle, a school board employee.

    Josh Hastings brother is Joe Hastings, a school board employee.

    Josh Hastings sister-in-law is a school board employee.

    What does this tell you?? It says Josh Hastings is a libtard and he will vote to fully fund the School Board's pet projects.

    Another reason not to vote for this clown.

  28. I remember when the Maryland General Assembly was in Session and my wife and I went out to dinner on Valentines Day evening and guess who we saw dining there as well? Josh Hastings and his lover Liberal Jim were perched in this dark candlelit corner like two little lovebirds.

  29. Anonymous said...
    From Lying Josh's Facebook page.

    Josh Hastings
    June 27 ·
    Honored to win the Wicomico Council Primary Election last night, but November 06th is the real hurdle. Thank you for all the wonderful support and please like my page

    Ok, seriously! If anyone is paying attention he didn't have an opponent in the Primary Election so what is it that he won?

    Just like Gay Day didn't have an opponent in the city race so they make it sound like they were deserving and worked so hard to win a race.

    What a bunch of losers that fall for crap like this.

    Vote Susannah Cain so we don't have to see his lying arse again.

    July 29, 2018 at 2:35 PM

    If I was running the Boston Marathon and no one showed up that day but me does that really mean I won the race when no one else was running. No, got it by default so don't be bragging that you "Won your race" when you didn't have any competitors running in your race. You are a lying goofball who has been lying to people his entire attempt at politics.

  30. Josh Hastings isn't even from Salisbury, he is from Mardela. He only moved to the Camden area when he heard John Hall wasn't going to run again so he established residency there. He should move back to Mardela and try to get elected in his own District.

  31. I've been doing so digging on local Democrat Socialist candidates Jamaad Gould and Michele Gregory and they are not worthy of representing the citizens of Wicomico County.

    1) Jamaad Gould - Hates white people. Member of Showing Up For Racial Justice. Member of the Black Lives Matters hate group. Waves the Black Lives Matters hate flag in the faces of white people. Attempted to assault the County Executive and his wife over the General Winder plaque. Jamaad Gould is the brother of Jameal Gould who murdered his wife in front of her 3 children. Obviously, anger issues and hatred run in that family. Jamaad Gould is a time bomb ready to explode.

    2) Michele Gregory- Member of the hate groups Black Lives Matters and Showing Up for Racial Justice. How can you be a white person and hate your own race? Formally ran a sketchy day care center in Salisbury that was shut down by the State of Maryland for numerous violations she refused to remediate. This woman put the lives of many children in harm's way.

    Think about it, do you want these people making decisions for you that affect your lives in Wicomico County.

    These are facts and facts don't lie. Working on Bill McCain and Josh Hastings. More to come!

  32. I just noticed that Josh Hastings stole that little yellow wave crescent and the seagulls from Jake Day's City symbol.

    Typical Democrat steals places to put his signs without asking and steals his Progressive Millenial buddies symbols for his campaign sign.


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