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Saturday, July 07, 2018

A Viewer Writes: I wonder how much this cost SBY tax payers

City of Salisbury, Maryland

This one's a bittersweet TBT post, because our beautiful sister city, Salisbury, Wiltshire are in the news once again for unfortunate circumstances over which they have no control. What we want the world to know is that Salisbury is a magically beautiful place, full of history and charm. Mayor Jacob Day, City AdministratorJulia Glanz, and Council President Jack Heath were there only a month ago, and found the city to be every bit as lovely as the pictures would lead you to believe. Our hearts are with our sister city, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. #SBY Salisbury Cathedral #SisterCity

This is what Jake is talking about HERE.


  1. Salisbury is but a small shadow of its former greatness offering little more employment than what the chicken plant and college can offer. If only Trump can bring some of the jobs that have moved offshore.

    1. NEVER happen social communists like Jake and Jack heath do not want jobs they want more Welfare aka votes.

  2. A Viewer Writes: I wonder how much this cost SBY tax payers

    Consider asking City Officials for an expense report if it is important to you. If you are refused file a Freedom of Information Form.

  3. Too bad the three of them didn't stay over there.

  4. Another freebe for this big A-hole JD!!!!!

  5. Joe do a FOIA on them on that trip and let's see how much it cost the welfare tax payers lol oppps they don't pay taxes.

  6. Did these fools help dull the knifes in England lol.

  7. There's Jake, leaning into the picture like it's a selfie.

    1. Funny how Jake's head is the shape of a perdue Egg lol

  8. Jake is the BIGGEST TOOL on the Eastern shore.

  9. Who knows how much it cost. One thing if for sure they are such low class, crude and unrefined people that the thought would never have come to them to pay for the trip themselves. They are low class bottomfeeders who want everything for free.

  10. The men are dressed in suit & tie; Julia dressed in her gardening clothes! What a disgrace!!!


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