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Thursday, July 26, 2018

9th Circuit Court Rules OPEN CARRY Guaranteed By 2nd Amendment IN ALL STATES

Don’t go gearin’ up like the world just went full Mad Max just yet, but this is huge. Here’s the details…

This is fresh off the presses, but:


  1. Baby, what I say....

    Ray Charles

  2. someone slipped the 9th circus some good drugs.

    i support the ruling, just cant believe it came from them

  3. Sounds good but this is Md. They've never heard of the 2nd amendment.

    1. Mike Lewis and others need to be tested on this.

  4. Will this be allowed in the peoples republic of md?

  5. What otherwise law abiding person will be the first local test case? Maybe we should all start a defense fund for him/her now, just to be ready for it.

  6. I sure hope this is as good as it sounds. Can't wait to hear more. Federal law does override state law so I would guess nothing could be done if one were to carry in Maryland right now. Am I wrong about that?

  7. Hogan your can read this can't you. Election time and are you going to promise more pro gun? No you are not. You need to realize you are defeated and let MD get a true lie to my face Governor to my back . We are fed up with a Lie to my back fraud that calls themselves a Republican for personal gain.

  8. 12:41 Imclain

    This may be one of the very very few times we agree.

    More people should open carry I say.

  9. Don't go getting all happy!!!! Maryland is a Nazi state and Hogan won't help make it better!!!! This is the ninth district making that ruling and opinion, but Maryland is in the Fourth district, so unless the fourth stands with the ninth, there is nothing to see here, move along...

    1. Md WILL get Sued and relate to the 9th circuit decision then it will go to the Supreme Court and PASS then Hogan can SHOVE IT.......

  10. Good, it's a start. Now it needs to be tested in the USSC and then maybe the 2nd amendment of the U.S. Constitution will be legal again.

    Everyone already is allowed to open carry per the Constitution. And that extends to people with felonies and dishonorable discharges from the military.

    But the American people have allowed lawmakers and judges tell them otherwise and they don't have the gumption to get off their butts and exercise their power. The people still have the power. These lawmakers and judges, and everyone else that we send to represent us are our employees, not the other way around.

    Most seem to have forgotten that over time. WE tell THEM what to do, not the reverse. Grow a backbone and assert yourselves like you are supposed to do.

    Unless you like being sheep that much, then just keep doing what you have been doing. What could go wrong?

  11. I do not think you are correct 3:22. A federal court ruling in any district is valid in all. I would like to know more about this though, haven't seen anything on MSN about it yet.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I do not think you are correct 3:22. A federal court ruling in any district is valid in all. I would like to know more about this though, haven't seen anything on MSN about it yet.

    July 26, 2018 at 9:29 PM

    It's been out there for at least two days. And you obviously are on the internet so you can do a search. Come on man.

  13. 252
    You are correct.
    Federal Law authority over the States was well established in 1864.

  14. What I am about to say isn't Gospel and I'd really like to see more information from the legal community, but as I understand this decision the 9th Circuit has found it Legal to OPEN carry, if appealed it would go to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court can hear the case or refuse to hear it, if they refuse to hear it then the 9th Circuit decision becomes Law. It remains to be seen what decision the Supreme Court would decide if they do hear the case. However States can still require a permit to carry a CONCEALED weapon.
    Federal Law does take precedence over State Law.

  15. What say you SPD Duncan ? Or is it only thugs allowed to carry guns ?


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