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Saturday, July 28, 2018

5 Ugly Truths About Women That Young Men Need to Recognize

I love women. Not in the social justice warrioresque “We must praise women as strong, capable CEOS and STEM graduates who can do anything men can do, but in heels” way, but in an old-school way. It’s easy to respect a mother who watches out for her children, a wife who is loyal to her husband, or a sister who cares for her brother. I love a beautiful woman. I love a sexy woman. I love a woman who gives off that amazing feminine energy. As a man, being around a woman like that is just good for your spirit.

All that being said, this is not about the more wonderful traits of women. To the contrary, it’s the kind of warning about women that fathers used to give their sons, but that’s frowned upon today. You see, in our society we can hammer home the faults of men until they become stereotypes, but we’re not supposed to point out the similarly damaging, but often very different flaws of women that young men need to worry about.

I think lions are extraordinarily beautiful and powerful creatures, but I also know if you make a wrong move around one, you can lose an arm. Women are much the same. They are magnificent but dangerous and since men pursue them, they need to understand what they’re getting into.
1. Beauty fades

Men don’t like to admit this, but the first thing they think about when it comes to women is beauty. Not only are we drawn to it, but it’s a status symbol. When a man has an attractive woman, other men think more of him. In fact, it can become such a powerful draw that some men put beauty first and second — and whatever comes third doesn’t matter. This is a mistake if you plan to be with her beyond a date or three because beauty fades for all of us, but it fades faster and harder for women. Moreover, beauty in and of itself only attracts for so long. As the old saying goes, “No matter how good she looks, someone out there is tired of her sh*t.” Point being, make sure you judge a woman on a lot more than beauty alone because the time is going to come when one way or the other, that beauty is going to fade in your eyes.

2. After your relationship ends, you may be surprised at the ruthless treatment you get


  1. I can't wait to see all the lionesses raise their ugly heads and roar.

  2. It gets even more complex as we.vet older.

  3. Oh my, a day AFTER TGIF too. I'm not touching this with my 10 foot fishin pole, which only knows how to catch trash outta the "Assawoman" Bay recently - errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    Thanks for the read Joe, but I'm going back to the very safe company of my bourbon on this great last Sunny Saturday in July!!

    SIX days til TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. this article is very flawed. My lesbian lover never treas me badly! status isn't that important to us!

  5. beauty is only skin deep. I have had my share of good looking women and if that's all they have going for them, it makes for a terrible relationship.

    Other guys try to steal her away, she feels entitled to anything she may want, a lot of times a pretty face does not make a pretty heart.

    When you get older you realize it's better to have a good woman than a centerfold, at least I did.

    I am much happier, I know she loves me for me and not for what I can give her. Just a better quality of life all around.

  6. Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly is to the bone ! :)


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