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Monday, July 16, 2018

2018: Democrats lead GOP by 12 million registered voters

Democrats hold a massive voter lead in states that require party registration, a gap of 12 million that could be key to whether the party takes control of the House and Senate in the fall midterm congressional elections, according to a new analysis.

Overall, 40 percent of voters in 31 party registration states are Democrats, 29 percent are Republicans, and 28 percent are independents, according to a new report of July numbers from the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. The states include several with key battles over House seats such as California, New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania.

The lead is significant, said Rhodes Cook’s analysis in Center Director Larry Sabato’s “Crystal Ball” newsletter, because in the past presidential election the majority party in 24 of the 31 states won, especially among Republican states.

More here

[One might wonder how many of those 'registered' Democrats can actually vote legally. --Editor]


  1. Haven’t you figured it out yet? How many “registered” Democrats gave the faux Democratic Party the finger in the last election??

  2. One might also ask how many of them are actually living.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 16, 2018 at 4:24 PM

    Wow, thats a lot of Dead people and Illegals, good job Democ-rats. Too bad its still not enough because all Independents will be voting with Republicans just to see your little brainwashed Snowflakes Cry Again, Priceless!

  4. Don't be complacent in November, or the MSM might get their way.

  5. Yeh right more fake news. Most of those are dead bodies and illegals.


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