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Saturday, June 09, 2018

Wicomico Report Confirms Declining Overdose Trend

SALISBURY – The number of overdose deaths and emergency department visits relating to opioids have decreased, but health officials in Wicomico County have noted an uptick in other public health issues.

On Tuesday, Wicomico County Health Officer Lori Brewster presented a report on the health of the county to the Wicomico County Council.

Last year, Brewster said Wicomico County experienced a significant decrease in overdose deaths related to opioids, which she attributed to the success of a Community Outreach Addictions Team (COAT) program that charges peer support specialists with experience in addiction to assist people into treatment.

“We are also seeing a decline in the other two counties because of the COAT team as well,” she said. “So the Lower Shore is seeing a decline in overdose deaths, which is a big plus for us.”



  1. Shhhhhh



    Want some prescription opiates at a fair cost

    Go to Salisbury campus

    Check out the maintenance Dept.

  2. This is way better than jail. Incarceration does not rehabilitate someone.

  3. County is learning from Mayor Day on how to classify crimes and reports!

  4. It's the COAT team??

    It's the declining number of people who want to die.
    EVERY generation has their fling with heroin, or meth, or whatever the latest craze is.....
    Thousands die.
    Then, everyone wises up and waits for the next generation of "it won't hurt ME" losers.
    It ain't COATS. They just get to pat themselves on the back and take credit for Darwinism.

    Also, don't let up on the hysteria thing. Fear helps a lot of wanna-be Heinrich's, Himmler's, and Hitler's to make the sheep think they need the wolf's help.
    Keep cheering.

  5. This is the most outrageous BS I have read in a while.

    A government program "urging" recovery as a significant factor is a load of poop. Unless there is $$ to pay for that recovery no junkie is going to quit.

    Junkies don't get tax refunds so I highly doubt that is the reason for the increase in OD's

    If they had a 50% decrease it is because they changed the way they validate stats just like the cops.

    What a load of crap.


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