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Monday, June 18, 2018


(Salisbury, MD) Extreme heat is forecasted for the coming days. Temperatures will be in the 90 degrees with the heat index reaching as high as 100 degrees. Infants, young children, young athletes, obese persons, those older than 65 years of age, and those persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or a mental illness are at increased risk for a heat related illness. A heat-related illness can become life-threatening very quickly.

The Wicomico County Health Department urges everyone to practice these stay cool safety
·         Seek air-conditioned environments such as malls, libraries and public places. Stay indoors.
·         Schedule outdoor activities before 10:00 am and after 6:00 pm.
·         Take a cool bath or shower.
·         Minimize direct exposure to the sun, if you must be outdoors, seek shade.
·         Stay hydrated – regularly drink water or other nonalcoholic fluids.
·         Eat light, cool, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit or salads.
·         Limit using the stove or oven to keep the house cooler.
·         Check on others; co-workers, the elderly, and those living alone.
·         Wear loose fitting, light-colored clothes.
·         Bring pets indoors. If they must remain outside make sure they have shade and plenty
of clean, fresh water.

For up to date information, information on cooling centers and stay cool tips, visit the Health Department website atwww.wicomicohealth.org.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this information Joe , it's
    so important for people to know and I don't think a lot
    of people realize just how dangerous this humidity
    and high temps can be to those most vulnerable

    Thanks also for alerting people to the dangers to the
    animals also. They do not sweat the way we do,
    they cool themselves through panting and when the
    humnidity/temps are high, they Can't Cool temselves
    because of extreme Hot Air being taken in , thus Heat
    Strokes occur.

    Hopefully County Council in Salisbury will approve
    the New Laws where animals have to be taken inside when our
    weather conditions are as they are going to be today,
    and in the future here on Del Mar Va . Current Laws allow
    them to be kept out in 100 degree weather! It's my understanding
    the request for newer Laws for our County will be delayed until
    the end of the Summer. I was told the request for Newer Laws was
    brought before Council almost One Year Ago! This is Election
    time of the year. Let's see who on the Council can get these New
    Laws in effect before that time. My thoughts are this has been
    pushed to the "Back Burner" , to many times !


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