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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

War Erupts Between Italy's Government And Soros: "You Profited From The Death Of Hundreds Of People"

A feud has broken out between liberal billionaire activist and fervent Clinton supporter, George Soros, and Italy's anti-immigrant League party, which on Friday formed a populist movement in coalition with the 5-Star party, and whose leader Matteo Salvini stepped into his new job as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior on Friday, pledging to deport hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

Salvini's League and the 5-Star Movement struck a deal Thursday on a coalition government which will work towards "putting Italians first" (and potentially making life for Europe a living hell with the ongoing threat of Quitaly, which according to JPMorgan may be Rome's best outcome), ending five days of market volatility and political chaos.

In response, George Soros flipped out, openly suggesting that Salvini might be financed by Vladimir Putin, saying he is "very worried about Russia's influence on Europe in general and on the new Italian government."



  1. Seal team six get this nutcase demon off this planet. He should be hanging from a rope for sedition. So now he says that italy is now a russian stooge because they dont want all these satin worshippers gimmeimigrants sucking on the tax nipple. MAGA

  2. Will this a55hat please die soon?

  3. When he dies he has a couple of sons that are just as bad.

  4. Sounds familiar on what they are doing to Pres Trump. Now you know where the funding is coming from.


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