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Saturday, June 02, 2018

Trump: Major Drug Companies to Announce Voluntary Price Cuts Soon

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he expects major drug companies to cut prices on their products in two weeks, but did not provide details on which companies would do so or the means by which they would provide such reductions.

"You're going to have some big news. I think we're going to have some of the big drug companies in two weeks said they're going to announce, because of what we did, they're going to announce voluntary massive drops in prices," Trump said at a signing ceremony for a new law making it easier for seriously ill people to try experimental treatments.

Earlier this month, Trump unveiled the administration's plan to lower prescription drug prices, largely through regulatory authority, calling the plan "the most sweeping action in history" to reduce the cost of medicines for consumers.



  1. Smoke and mirrors. They aren't cutting profits so where is the offset coming from tax breaks or subsidies? Follow the profit number.

  2. Some people are never satisfied. Right, 9:40?


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