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Monday, June 25, 2018

Too Funny


  1. I really wish police would hand tickets out to inconsiderate neighbors who think the whole street belongs to them to park on. One house on this street and its occupants park in front of my house all the time and when I have company they have no where to park. There was a royal traffic jam out there this past Saturday because as usual the neighbor had all their cars parked out front, we happen to have company and they were parked along the fence on the opposite side of the road so there was a passage way just big enough for a car to get thru down the middle. Absolutely ridiculous when the neighbors could park in front of their own house on down to the corner where no one ever parks. So very inconsiderate but I guess I have to consider the age of ME, ME, ME, it's all about ME, and go from there. We have gotten notes on our mail from the mailman before stating the box was blocked because an occupant of our house had no where else to park. So very wrong but does no good to say anything to that bunch. End of rant.

  2. Ha Ha Ha ...VERY FUNNY !!!

  3. 6:41, don't you love your hero's who are there to protect and serve!!! They serve real nice don't they????


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