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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Tim Tebow suddenly looking like a pro baseball player

The jokes have slowed considerably. The playful jabs have begun to subside. Tim Tebow is proving he belongs, and lately he’s doing more than that. He has been performing at a high level this month.

Just ask opposing Double-A managers who raved about the strides the former Heisman Trophy winner has made this year with the Mets’ affiliate in Binghamton. They have cited his improved plate discipline, pitch recognition and opposite-field power.

“He looks like a different guy than last year,” Double-A Hartford manager Warren Schaeffer told The Post in a phone interview.

“I saw him last year at [Single-A] Columbia. He’s come a really long way,” Schaeffer said. “He’s a tough out right now. We had a really tough time against Tim Tebow. He hits fastballs well. He’s a strong kid. His approach has gotten a lot better. He’s spitting on pitches now he wasn’t early on this year. You can tell he works hard.



  1. I love Tim Tebow and I pray that he continues to do well with baseball after being screwed over in Football. How many other people can do this.

  2. I loved Tebow back when he was QB at Florida. What a true leader and role model. I wish him all the best. There is no one more deserving of success as he is.

  3. I'm all in !! Send him to the majors now!!!!! and watch the viewings increase !!


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