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Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Thomas Gallatin: Google Says Republicans Are Socialists

A search listed the California Republican Party's ideology as "Nazism."

Less than a week before the California primaries, Google search lists the state’s Republican Party ideology as “Nazism.” Vice News reports, “In the ‘knowledge panel’ that provides easy access to information next to search results, Google was showing ‘Nazism’ as an ‘ideology’ of the party as of Thursday morning. The word ‘Nazism’ was hyperlinked to a secondary page that shows ‘Nazism’ alongside other ‘ideologies’ of California Republicans like ‘Conservatism,’ ‘Market liberalism,’ ‘Fiscal conservatism,’ and ‘Green conservatism.’”

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) blasted Google: “It is disgraceful that the world’s largest search engine has labeled millions of California Republicans as Nazis. This is just the latest incident in a disturbing trend to slander conservatives. These damaging actions must be held to account. The bias has to stop.” McCarthy is correct. The most recent example was Google’s silencing of pro-life ads before the Irish referendum on whether to legalize abortion. But don’t forget the tech giant’s firing of software engineer James Damore last year for his daring to question the company’s leftist dogma, or its use of the hate-mongering Southern Poverty Law Center to police YouTube.

Google responded with a “dog ate my homework” excuse, blaming the “mistake” on Wikipedia vandalism. In other words, “Oops, but it really wasn’t our fault. Can we move along now?”



  1. Democrats and liberals learn about Republicans and Conservatives from Democrats and liberals.

    Republicans and Conservatives learn about Democrats and liberals from Democrats and liberals.


  2. I'm elderly and have always associated democrats as being socialist and communist, you can now add Nazis to that list. They are not "for the people". They are greedy and want power and are hateful and becoming more violent. They are trying to ruin our country with their greed.

  3. Correct.
    The new Republican Party (represented by the omnibus bill of extreme debt) is a National Socialist Party.

    Let’s admit it. Americans actually love socialism. We love having the government “take care of us”.

  4. An academic clarification is needed:

    NAZI = National Socialist Party

    COMMUNISM = International Socialist Party

    The war is between those who are "globalists" vs those who are "nationalists".

    Mr. Trump represents NATIONALISM (concern for 1 Country and its People). However, he too, agrees with having the government take care of people from cradle to grave (or his bosses do). Thus we have the passing and signing of the Omnibus Bill. It created massive spending by the Federal Government to "take care of" the people.

    Mr. Soros (and the Democrats) represent the GLOBALISM agenda (concern for a one world government). But it too, is designed (in theory) to "take care of" the people.

    Both concepts borrow from the utopian society concept of Talmudic Judaism. This is why it was Jews who created the academic basis for Socialism (Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, so on were all Jews). The concept is derived from the Abrahamic Promise that the bloodline of Abraham (through Issac specifically) will "rule over all of the people of the earth". The Jews are destined to be the rulers of the world. The utopian society in which the Jews (smartest among us, chosen ones) will take care of the rest of us has its basis in the Talmud Babylonia, which was the written texts of the oral traditions argued about by Jesus Christ and the Pharisees / Sadducees.

    Very interesting topic for discussion.

    Israel believes it is destined (by birthright) to rule over the rest of the world.
    The US Government supports Israel directly and is really an extension of it.
    The US Government has been ruled by (funded by) Jewish Bankers since 1913.


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