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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

This Explains that Deep Bow to the King=> Saudis Gave the Obama Team Suitcases of Jewels Before Muslim Apology Tour

Former US President Obama bowed to the waist when he met Saudi King Abdullah o the sidelines of the London Conferece in 2009.

The White House later insisted this was not a bow in another lie.

Now we know one reason why Obama bowed to the Saudi monarch.
The Saudi Kingdom gave the Obama team suitcases of jewels during their infamous Apology Tour.

Saudi Arabia gave White House aides jewellery worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in large suitcases, according to Ben Rhodes, former speechwriter and deputy national security adviser in the Obama administration.

In his memoir The World As It Is, published on Tuesday, Rhodes recounts a trip to Saudi Arabia in June 2009 soon after Barack Obama became president.

He says on arrival he and other US officials were taken to housing units in a compound owned by the monarchy in the desert.

“When I opened the door to my unit, I found a large suitcase,” Rhodes recounts.

“Inside were jewels.”

The trip to Saudi Arabia was the beginning of Obama’s first tour of the Middle East as president, and preceded his famous Cairo speech which he intended as a message to the Muslim world.

Rhodes says at first he thought the bagged treasure was a bribe, to influence him as he wrote Obama’s speech.

However, he soon learned he was not the only member of the delegation to be lavished with such expense.



  1. The funniest part is that Killary's State Department was responsible for inventorying and reporting the gifts to THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

  2. It might have seemed cute to the dumbed down populace of the US to elect a black president and to "break the glass ceiling" and elect a woman. The fact is whether the dishonest among us want to admit a large portion of the world looks down on both blacks and women this esp true of the Middle Eastern countries and most Asian. Obama had no other choice but to bow down to the Saudis otherwise they would have not allowed him in their company. Obama is beneath them according to Islam. Fact is Arab Muslims think blacks even Muslim blacks are of a lower stature, The same goes for a woman. Remember when Obama visited both Saudi Arabia and China there was no one of any distinction to greet him at the air port. China did not even provide stairs.

  3. So these gifts are now property of the us. Or did the employees keep them and pay taxes on their value?

  4. How much taxes are owed, since I know they didn't claim it? Hillary and the rest by not reporting this means they are evading paying taxes. When will Mueller charge all of them with tax evasion are is he another guilty one?

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 12, 2018 at 5:32 PM

    Well that explains a lot. When Obamas entered the White House in 2008 they owned 2 houses, 1 in Chicago and 1 in Hawaii. 8 years later they "acquired" big mansions in Kalorama, D.C. and another "reatreat castle" in California, both worth over millions of dollars. So those "gifts" from Saudis and Muslim Brotherhood GO LOOOONG WAYS!

  6. That's the truth about Obama. He was a joke to many countries. He didn't have any other choice but to bow because they would have not allowed him to be in their superior presence if he didn't. It was good to see the ghetto garbage at least understood he is the lowest of the low too many except the lying immoral garbage of the world. He knows his place and that is beneath most people not worthy to be around them unless he bows to them.


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