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Wednesday, June 06, 2018

The Lies We Tell About Foreign Aid

Politicians lie about foreign aid to win votes.

Charities lie about the impact of foreign aid to stay funded.

Aid workers lie to themselves about the impact of a project.

In a new book called Why We Lie About Aid: Development And The Messy Politics Of Change, Pablo Yanguas explains how these mischaracterizations have created a dysfunctional aid system that hurts the people who need help most.

We spoke to Yanguas, a research fellow with the Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre at the University of Manchester, about his book. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

One thing politicians say is that spending lots of money on foreign aid will make the world a better place? Is that true?



  1. Foreign Aid is quite simply a crime.
    The Constitution does not empower the US Government to tax the People and give the money to foreign governments.

    Simple as that.

    The US Government is an organized crime syndicate of thrives.

  2. Puerto Rico is still being treated like a 3rd world country.

  3. Puerto Rico is a US property.
    Not a foreign government.

    I agree the US should not be giving money to other governments.
    It makes no sense at all and is the behavior of an EMPIRE.

  4. 4:12 I feel bad for you. Being able to see human suffering, turn the other cheek and say "sucks for them". Pitiful

  5. We can't handle our own problems it is organized extortion to give money in foreign aid.

  6. 5:20 when we create the humanitarian crisis we are obligated to provide relief. Pull your head out of your trailer

  7. Let's be clear:

    WE don't create anything.

    Stop identifying yourself (and me) with the actions of the criminal US Government.



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