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Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Flawed Red Hen Analogy Shows Liberals Still Don't Understand Christian Baker Case

After a Lexington, Virginia, restaurant, the Red Hen, refused service to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Friday, commentators on the left immediately seized upon a false analogy.

They likened that incident to the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, the case of the Christian baker in Colorado who refused to craft a custom cake for a same-sex wedding.

That attempt at an analogy reveals that the left still does not understand the Supreme Court’s ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

Jack Phillips, the baker, serves all customers, but cannot serve all events. He declined to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple not because of their identity, because he could not communicate a message that violated his religious beliefs.



  1. The only thing liberals understand is "me, me, me!".

  2. Be nice to the Libs...they can't help that they provide comedic value to all of us...day in and day out.

    Keep up the grrrrrrrrrrreat work Maxine, Nancy, etc., etc., etc!

    Bumbling idiots!

  3. Of could democrats don't understand, If they did they would lie about it anyway since there isn't a democrat alive with an honest bone in their bodies. All democrat are liars and they lie about everything.
    Also democrats are nothing more then ignoramuses who are products of the dumbed down US "educations" system. They open their mouths wide open and allowed the propaganda to be rammed down their throats. But even if one does understand the difference all democrats complete lack of any honesty and morals prevents them from saying so.

  4. OH WOW... the mental gymnastics in this one are priceless.

    The bakers refusing service because the couple was gay. Plain and simple. The REASON that is not o.k. is because it violates their civil rights.

    It is NOT about the message. Change the word "gay" to interracial and ask yourself it that would be permissible? This is about the fact that they were gay. End of story, no slight of hand here.

    Also go back and read the Supreme Court overturning the previous court ruling, they DID NOT rule one way or the other if it was legal for a business to discriminate this way. This is still an open issue and can STILL be taken to lower courts and then up to the Supreme Court. The baker DID NOT win his claim that it violated his religious liberty, and he DID NOT win the violation of free speech. Neither one of those issues were ruled, nor was precedent set for them. Read the ruling.

    Businesses are allowed to refuse service to anyone for any reason as long as it is a violation of civil rights.

    So, it is within the law, to refuse service because of who they are as long as it is not a violation of civil rights.

    This is why people who are offended by this, yet support some skewed notion that refusing service to gays has anything to do with religious liberty are hypocrites.

    By the way, I am a conservative who hates partisan politics, and I demand more, and refuse to walk lock step just cause someone tells me what I'm supposed to think or believe. You may want to try it some time. We're not all robots... we should have differing opinions.


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