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Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Dispatch Is Spot On With This Endorsement


  1. Great job! I agree as well Joe!

  2. The EBT Blogger is insinuating that Sheriff McDermott is a racist.

    "Matt is the best choice for Worcester County Sheriff because he cares about all people regardless of race, Income or prestige level."

  3. M.A. Doyle, MS, Lt. (ret)June 23, 2018 at 8:58 PM

    I am a 40 year LEO, Retired Lieutenant and now a Reserve Officer serving as a the OCPD Range Master. I have a Master in Science in Human Resources Management and am a gratuate of the FBI National Academy. In my opinion, McDermott is the only candidate that has the minimum requirements for the position of Sheriff.

  4. I agree. First time in awhile that I didn't vote early but I was really conflicted on who to vote for in several of the races. I'm really sick and disgusted the way some of the people are acting so it's both McDermotts for me.

  5. I agree. Since recently it was all over FB how Matt said the sheriff's job isn't about politics or something like that I know my choice of McDermott is the right one. Matt is showing a level of naivete by saying that. McDermott knows how things work in the real world since he's had the experience in Annapolis. Sadly it is all about politics and knowing how to "play the game." No one is going to change that. Whether it's the doling out of grant money or other govt funds on to mentioned elsewhere the enforcement of immigration laws and how some sheriffs are refusing to cooperate with ICE. Also school safety. I remember the fight over 20 years ago to install surveillance cameras in public schools. Those in favor were met with resistance by liberal thinking sheriffs. More recently the FL school shooting where the sheriff and school adopted a policy which allowed violent students avoid arrest.

  6. Smart selection to endorse Steve!

  7. With that childish action and the EBT Blogger to attack McDermott I think it would be appropriate for Matt to lose his job after the election. Dirty politics is the cause of his demise.

    If Reggie Mason had a brain he wouldn't endorse someone so low on the totem poll for Sheriff. If Matt was so great then why didn't Reggie Mason promote him?

    Reggie comes from the old school where the good ole boy gets most of the promotions.

  8. June 23, 2018 at 8:58 PM:

    All that education, and you don't know the minimum requirements for Sheriff! You should be ashamed.


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