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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Spygate: Majority Believe Feds Broke Law to Stop Trump Presidency

A majority of 51 percent of voters now believe “senior law enforcement officials are likely to have broken the law in an effort to prevent Trump from winning the presidency,” according to a poll from Rasmussen Reports.

Only 42 percent of voters believe it is “unlikely that these officials illegally attempted to stop a Trump presidency.”

In other words, we now live in a country where only 42 percent of voters believe it is “unlikely” federal law enforcement officials tried to illegally meddle in a presidential election.

Only 26 percent believe it is “not at all likely.”

In this poll of 1,000 likely voters, which was taken just prior to the Memorial Day weekend, Rasmussen also found that public opinion — despite the establishment media’s dishonest efforts — is steadily moving against federal law enforcement since this poll was last taken in February.



  1. I don't think it's merely a belief.

  2. This should tell you how dumb and easily duped the public is. Even Trey Gowdy has admitted there was nothing foul with these investigations yet you bozos choose to believe every word spouted by the guy who is the target.

  3. Bozo's??

    Better than a low IQ cheerleader.

    Trump is not, and never has been, the target of any investigation.
    The complaint is, after a year of "investigation", there is no evidence AT ALL for any "collusion".
    We are sick of sore losers trying to reverse the will of the people.
    Buy guns and ammo.

    Or, keep cheering the subversion of our republic.

  4. 10:52, don't you recall Gowdy Doody was a never Trumper in the beginning?

  5. 1131, "Trump is not, and never has been, the target". HA HA, well I wish you would tell that to him because his Twitter and his minions on the tv every day say differently.

    NOTE I never said a word about whether there was collusion or wrong doing of any kind. You jumped on that. The story is about the public believing there was wrong doing performed by L.E. in this case. I simply spoke to the fact that so many of you believe this solely because it fits with the narrative POTUS is feeding you....you know, the guys who stands to get in trouble IF they do find something. Please keep up.

  6. President Trump has been spied on since BEFORE he became president. The story is simple; the Communists wanted all the dirt they could find on Trump and when he WON the presidency; the Communists had a Major Breakdown and shifted into High Gear to derail, kill, impeach, and take him down...nothing has worked, BUT President Trump has Not had an easy time getting His agenda completed.

    To me, it's awesome what he has accomplished with ALL the Communists against him...Pray for our President daily.

  7. It's as obvious as a heart attack.

  8. The "public believing there was wrong doing performed by LE...."???
    Whaaat?? Believing??
    You don't know Comey leaked classified info (he has ADMITTED that....lol), or let some who mishandled classified info off the hook (trump just pardoned a sailor IMPRISONED for a lot less)? How about the CONTINUED leaking from the FBI?? Or the apparent concerted effort to swing an American presidential election, LED by the FBI? None of THAT is "wrongdoing"?/
    I presume "law enforcement" also includes the spy agencies who used their virtually unlimited and unchecked OFFICIAL power to secretly wiretap everyone in the oppostion??
    Man. You ask ME to keep up???
    I'll ask you to WAKE UP. Some of your heroes need to be hung for what they so desparately tried to accomplish in this republic.
    Keep cheering. Ya gotta stick with what you're good at....


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