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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sparring Over Offshore Wind Farm Distance Continues; Mayor Says ‘Our View Is Not For Sale’ In Response To Developer’s Benefits Package

OCEAN CITY — Asserting “our view is not for sale,” resort officials recently rejected an olive branch of sorts from US Wind that could have provided free electric power and other concessions to Ocean City in exchange for relaxing its opposition to the distance of the offshore wind turbines.

Since the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) over a year ago approved two offshore wind energy projects, or offshore wind renewable energy credits (ORECs) off the coast of Ocean City, town officials have been in a prolonged battle to have the proposed wind turbines sited at least 26 nautical miles off the coast, or the distance perceived to have the turbines not visible from the shoreline. The town’s concerns have largely been over the perceived effects on the viewshed from the Ocean City shoreline and potential impacts on property values and tourism.

The town’s efforts have included at least two resolutions passed by the Mayor and Council, a spirited letter-writing campaign between the town’s elected officials and the wind farm developers and even a failed attempt to mandate the 26-mile distance for the wind turbines by the Maryland General Assembly. Throughout the fray, US Wind officials have remained firm on siting the first line of its wind turbines on the western edge of its designated Wind Energy Area, or WEA, which has been approved by the PSC after careful study by the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).



  1. Wind turbines are harmful to the host community, electric ratepayers and taxpayers.
    Once the developer gets his initial approvals, the turbines grow in height and MWs without recognizing or mitigating the harm they cause to people, animals, and the environment.

  2. but the view on the boardwalk is for sale of all the garbage walking down there what a joke

  3. NIMBY's amaze me! Quit screaming about coal and nuclear power...

  4. How ironic can they be? What's not for sale in OC? Not to mention that oceanic wind turbines are NOT SUSTAINABLE! But they're OK with these people as long as we can't see them. SMH

  5. I still say take advantage of the wind turbines and have them put colorful displays and light shows on them at night. Since it is OC sell commercial space on them.

  6. “Our view is not for sale” not for that price, can you sweeten the deal?

  7. There has never been a wind turbine manufactured, erected and connected that generated enough power to pay for itself before complete failure.

    But OC can make it up on volume!

  8. You don't own the ocean! Do you think if I have a neighbor develope land I can just tell them my view isn't for sale? Don't pay OC anything....they don't own the ocean.

  9. OC Council, these crooks, are not getting a kickback or any type of monetary compensation lining their personal pocket book. They are not in control of these windmills, so they can overcharge people. Screw them and allow me to get cheaper and green electric.

  10. Screw these crooks they have constantly blocked my view and access to the beach for years.


  11. Wind farms have a track record in many areas of neglected maintenance and when they break they are abandoned. At least they tore down the one at Chesapeake College when they found out fixing it would cost more than it saved!!

    My suggestion, in addition to the distance issue, is to require that the developers, and subsequent operators, post an irrevocable bond to 1) pay for maintenance and 2) disassembly when the operator gives up. The costs of the bond cannot be passed to rate payers for the electricity.

    These schemers are in it only for the chance to milk the subsidies. Thanks, OweMalley!


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