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Saturday, June 09, 2018

Since When Are Dogs Allowed In The Zoo?

Dogs actually freak out, (stress) the animals at the Zoo and are not allowed. You have to wonder, where is the Staff at the Zoo to make sure things like this don't happen. 


  1. Some people just don't have the smarts that God gave a rock and can't (won't) read or follow the warning signs posted at each end of the zoo.

  2. I don't want dogs in walmart or church either. Keep them home. No sense in bringing them with you to the grocery store. I don't want my food contaminated by them.

    1. Right!!! But that does not stop fools who think that the rules dont apply to them and their pets from bringing them. Smh. I actually saw a small dog in Wal mart recently. Eel

  3. Shower heads scare animals too.

  4. How many Lamas does a little zoo need ? I guess they are hearty enough to keep alive easily.

  5. Dogs are predators. Animals are afraid of predators.

  6. 10:50 amen to that!

  7. Them there lamers don't look to stressed to me and Spot

  8. I does what I wants...

    This is the new way of the world.

  9. Yeah that dog looks like a real predatory killer.

  10. The wallaby's, who finally have an appropriate enclosure, have a joey.

    And how long has it been now that the owls are living in dog cages in the rear of the admin building????

    They spent all that money fetching a bear but don't have the $$ to rebuild an owl enclosure? Pathetic..

  11. If you look at the leash you will realize their is an owner on the other end allowing this dog to be aggressive to the llamas. I bet if it was the other way around the dog owner would file suit and make the headlines!

  12. Some people are just idiots.


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