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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Sen. Merkley 'spreading blatant lies' in failed attempt to enter immigrant detention center, WH says

A Democratic senator who recorded his dramatic, unsuccessful effort to enter a federal immigration facility in Texas on video over the weekend was "irresponsibly spreading blatant lies about routine immigration enforcement," the White House said Monday.

And in a separate statement, the Department of Homeland Security seemingly contradicted Sen. Jeff Merkley's suggestion that he was being systematically barred from immigrant detention centers, saying federal officials took extra steps to grant him access to one on Sunday.

In footage uploaded to Facebook late Sunday and seen by more than a million viewers, Merkley, D-Ore., approached the Office of Refugee Resettlement facility in Brownsville, Texas, after remarking that the government's treatment of children illegally entering the U.S. was "unacceptable."

Merkley then tried to follow somebody into the building, before being told that he was on "private property" and should "please go away." The facility, run by a contractor, is in a former Walmart with blacked-out windows.

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  1. This WH spreads blatant lies every day. Note this is a proven fact. So why are they complaining now?

  2. Your ignorance amazes me 2:47. Back to your moms basement with you...this president tells it like it is. He is a straight shooter. The Truth hurts allot of the swamp creatures. unlike every leftist progressive libturd democrat who lie every time they open their mouth

  3. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.


  4. Oregon and Democrat in the same sentence tells you all you need to know.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oregon and Democrat in the same sentence tells you all you need to know.

    June 5, 2018 at 9:03 PM

    I'll go you one better. If you hear EITHER word in a sentence, that would tell you all you need to know.

    And I would include the state of Washington in that group as well.

  6. 512 dude, take a breath. I know you hate when people point out the fallacies of your fantasy world, but its ok. No one is making you leave your little make believe bubble.


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