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Saturday, June 23, 2018

Sarah Sanders and seven members of her family kicked out of Virginia restaurant

Sarah Sanders has slammed the manager of a Virginia restaurant who refused to serve her and seven family members on Friday night, saying: 'Her actions say far more about her than about me'.

The White House Press Secretary tweeted on Saturday morning that she 'politely left' The Red Hen in Lexington after it was made clear she was not welcome 'because I work for POTUS'.

'Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.'

The incident first came to light when staff member Jaike Foley-Schultz said he was only able to serve Sanders for two minutes before the manager came over and kicked her out.

'I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members,' he posted on Facebook.

Sanders' father, Mike Huckabee, the governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007, also slammed the decision to evict his daughter.

'Bigotry. On the menu at The Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington VA. Or you can ask for the 'Hate Plate'. And appetizers are 'small plates for small minds'' he tweeted on Saturday.

More here


  1. Let us all know

    We will put them out of business

  2. I am stunned that these overt acts of hatred being perpetrated against conservatives are actually being defended by those on the left.
    Newsflash: The American public recognizes bullying, harassment and discrimination and will pay you back in kind.
    Good luck - I suspect your "business" will soon shut down for lack of customers. You will at least know why it happened.

  3. The owner supports Obama and clinton lol. Irony in these fools.

  4. ""'Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.'""

    The above quote is what the restaurant owner said he does....and then he kicks patrons out of his restaurant that he says he is going to respect.... Liberal logic!!

  5. The woman that co-owns the place is obviously crazy. Seriously.
    She stated that she was a Bill Clinton Democrat - and she has the gall to ask Sarah to leave on "moral grounds"??!!
    THAT defines "crazy".

  6. For their penance, they must make a gay wedding cake.

  7. Once the American public wises up and stops financially supporting Hollywood and the rest of these libs the better. Drive them into bankruptcy and our country will be better off!

  8. Well, we now have the name of the restaurant and it's location so you know where NOT to go in the future. Shame on this business owner for not being tolerant of everyone, like the left preaches everyday and is supposed to be.

  9. Oh, you tender little snowflakes. Super ready to cheer when a business owner wants to refuse service to someone for being gay, and that's ok, but This! THIS is bigotry. Laughable, hypocritical snowflakes.

    1. 6:45-I like how the left is trying to own the word snowflake because they're so unoriginal they can't think of anything else to call someone. What an idiot!

    2. @11:55 oh, sorry dear, didn't mean to offend your tender feelings. Don't like it when you're hypocrisy is highlighted? Oh you delicate special snowflake.

  10. Thank You Red Hen in Lexington VA. Thank God you are too stupid to realize it is actions such as yours that got President Trump elected. Keep up the good work. And to the rest of the democrat party---Please continue to show the world your true nasty colors.

  11. Do themselves a favor and tell everyone how horrible their business is by checking a 1 Star. Also comment on how horrible their food is.

    I will make it easier for you by posting the web address. Please go to the site because they are being bombarded by Democrats who are bullying everyone and then posting how great the restaurant is. Don't let those haters win.


  12. It the whole democrat party anymore and that is why many are migrating. over to the Right Side. Democrats are the party of intolerance, They are very very angry that not only is the President winning over many blacks but now Mexicans. It makes the democrats very very angry too that black and hispanic unemployment is at record lows. The democrats have historically kept these groups in chains and enslaved.
    The democrats have done and do all they can to keep these groups down. Whether it's by completely ignoring the horrible conditions in the inner cities where violent crime is rampant on to being against school choice so the low income can send their children to top rate schools free from violence and where they actually do learn.

  13. Great opp for another business to make headlines that they would LOVE to have Sarah, her fam, et al over to eat.

    Where one comes in negatively is an opportunity for another to flourish!


  14. Haven’t looked on TripAdvisor but people have done a number on the Red Hen over at Yelp.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Great opp for another business to make headlines that they would LOVE to have Sarah, her fam, et al over to eat.

    Where one comes in negatively is an opportunity for another to flourish!


    June 24, 2018 at 9:01 AM

  16. 1204, funny how someone chooses to, lets say speak their mind in today's society, can (in less than hr) ruin them from a business standpoint.

    A good business example how you can never EVER fix STUPID!!!!

    Buh bye Ren Hen, we never knew ye! Idiots!

  17. Trump playin pool at Trader Lee's?

    Talk about CHA CHA CHING!!!!!!!!

  18. Joe you should address this on how a Democrat Friend of Susan Parker Hargreaves is using 2 Delmarvanow Facebook pages owned by the Daily Times to push their socialist/Democrat politics.

    Others should get on those pages and comment that it isn't appropriate to post politics on their "Salisbury, Md. Locals" or "Community News and Events page."

    1) "Salisbury, Md. locals"
    About This Group
    This group is for people who live in or have ties to the Salisbury, Maryland area. It's a place to share news, information, photos and more, moderated by the Daily Times of Salisbury. We'll post our Salisbury-related news in this group, but it's open for anyone to post about the city and what's going on there.

    Laura Benedict Sileo and Delmarva Now - Daily Times are admins.

    2) "Community News and Events — Eastern Shore
    Public Group"
    About This Group
    Planning a bake sale, 5k, kayak paddle or any other community event? This group is a place to share your news and events for lower Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia. It's moderated by Delmarva Now, but anyone can post and share. We still encourage you to send news about your events for our print editions to newshub@delmarvanow.com and post on events.delmarvanow.com, but this group offers another place to get the word out.

    Delmarva Now - Daily Times is an admin.

    The Daily Times should not be creating Facebook Pages and advertising it on their original FB page to lure unsuspecting visitors to it. Susan Parker is intentionally doing this to sway voters.

    I guarantee you if a Republican posted something it would get deleted.

    Jared Schablein and Jake Burdett are 2 of the local Democrat/Progressive troublemakers posting their nasty politic on those pages for the last couple of weeks.

    Jared Schablein shared an event.
    33 mins
    WE NEED TO GET FOLKS TO THE POLLS! Please help us share this out so we can help as many people across the shore as possible

    The Lower Shore Progressive Caucus is proud to announce we will be doing a drive to the polls event across the entire Lower Shore for the June 26th Primary.

    If you need to find a ride to your polling place, call 4435232554 or reply here


    If you would like to sign up to drive folks to the poll please fill out this short form


    For any other questions, comments or concerns please reach out at lowershoreprogressivecaucus@gmail.com or our facebook page!

    in solidarity,
    Jared Schablein
    Chair Of The Lower Shore Progressive Caucus

  19. 2:58 PM the Daily Times should not allow political posts like that promoting one party over another. Painfully obvious why they created those Facebook groups.

    You are right that a Republican post would be deleted.

  20. I went to The Red Hen's Facebook page and I saw many local names I was proud of who posted a Review not in their favor.

    Then I saw a name I recognized who was making snide and negative remarks about our President's Press Secretary.

    After investigating who he was I found out that he was our own Maryland Comptroller Peter Fanchot's Chief of Staff.

    That's right a person in a high profile, highly paid position representing the Comptroller's Office in Maryland was making negative and partisan remarks about this nations Press Secretary.

    That person's name is Rex Foxwell and I'm sure some of you might recognize him. Very inappropriate of a person in his position to make a comment defending the owners hateful vitriol. I've got it screen captured just in case.

  21. Sarah Sanders has way too much class for a place like that.


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