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Friday, June 22, 2018

Rush: They’re Going to Get Somebody Killed

RUSH: "Okay, folks, I’m just gonna say it here. If the media keeps this up — if they keep up generating this hysteria — somebody’s gonna get killed. I think we’re pretty close to somebody getting killed already, and I’m not being hyperbolic, and I’m not trying to call attention to myself. I’m genuinely worried about the out-of-control aspect of this. The news media’s fanning the flames. The news media is leading the way on this. It’s again an oxymoron. News media? There is no media, and none of this is news.

"It’s a manufactured crisis — that is one of many — after Donald Trump committed an unpardonable sin — and that was winning the presidential election. This today is not about kids and the way they’re being treated anywhere. This is about Donald Trump winning and these people not being able to do anything about it. Look at everything they’ve thrown at Trump. They’ve had full-blown intelligence community FBI, CIA, DOJ, special counsel investigations all happening simultaneously designed to drive Donald Trump from office in six months.

"Failed. Every one of them has failed.

"Donald Trump’s popularity is increasing. His approval numbers are increasing. Overall satisfaction in the country is rising."

More here


  1. The liberal media have become hysterical-- openly lying and mis-characterizing almost everything being done in and for the Trump administration.

    Rush is right here-- they are becoming a danger to society. I suppose they have a first amendment right to public hysteria, but they are certainly demonstrating the truth of the recent reports about DC being full of psychotic people.

  2. The more they bring on, the more I have faith that I did the right thing by voting for Trump.

  3. 10:30 - it also appears as though more and more are reviewing their decision to vote against him as well!

  4. There is also a silent movement at the right , a militia with great numbers , it is called the republican conservative Trump party. All have been trained in the military and are ready to rock the media into truth. How do you like me now Samantha B and other a$$e$ , you run but you can't hide forever.

  5. The 1st Amendment only goes so far. Just Oliver Wendel Holmes said that you cannot say "FIRE" in a crowded theater because it will cause havoc and pandemonium, thus causing harm to others. Of course, if there really is a fire then you can let others know.

  6. 10:35. You are very wrong. I know a lot of democrats who say they will vote for him in the next election because of all the liberal democrats like you

  7. Just more attempts to overthrow (if that's what they think they are accomplishing) President Trump. It's outrageous how they are treating our President. Young people today have no love of country or patriotism either. It's sad.

  8. Agreed, Rebel, lie shouting fire in the theater. Bad stuff. The MSM is now a rabid dog.

  9. I fight the urge to kill someone every day. These morons just don't realize people are fed up with the stupid nonsense. I am really anti-violence since I don't believe it really accomplishes anything, but, that's all some people understand and appreciate.

  10. They just keeping making him stronger! Pelosi is his best advertisement!


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