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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Orlando Stops Testing Amazon’s Facial Recognition System

Orlando, Florida, is currently debating whether to resume testing Amazon’s “Rekognition” facial recognition system in the city, following complaints and an expired contract with the tech company.

According to the Daily Mail, civil rights groups “raised concerns that the service could be used in ways that could violate civil liberties.”

“The City’s pilot with Amazon regarding the potential viability of their Rekognition technology ended last week,” declared Orlando’s city government and the Orlando Police Department in a statement. “Staff continues to discuss and evaluate whether to recommend continuation of the pilot at a further date. At this time that process is still ongoing and the contract with Amazon remains expired.”



  1. If the luciferians have their way ...Big brother is gonna be watching you and you will comply or face a jackboot smashing your face forever

  2. If the luciferians have their way ...Big brother is gonna be watching you and you will comply or face a jackboot smashing your face forever

  3. Ask---- why in the F do they need every American's face, voice, and electronic communications on permanent record?
    Ask ----- which F'ing unelected government nobody( Comey included) thinks THEY have the POWER and RIGHT to tell Congress (who represent their employers ("WE, the people') that THEY get to decide what information WE are allowed to see?
    WE tell them what to do and they do it or we should hang them.
    Don't give us that "it's too secret" to let you know who is subverting the Constitution. Said to us by the very people subverting the Constitution.
    And that is why we keep buying guns and ammo.
    Keep cheering.


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