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Saturday, June 23, 2018

Open Letter to School Boards Everywhere: Stop Renaming Your Schools After Obama

It was bad enough that pretty much within seconds of Barack Obama winning the presidency there seemed to be a rush to rename schools to honor the newly elected first black president. According to Wikipedia, eighteen schools in fourteen states have so far been named or renamed in honor of the 44th president. According to another Wikipedia article (which is incomplete and out-of-date) Obama already has enough schools named after him to rival John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson.

The latest school to jump on the Obama bandwagon is the J. E. B. Stuart Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia. This week, the school board voted 6-1 to rename the predominantly African-American school named after a Confederate general Barack Obama Elementary School.

When the school board first voted to rename the school, seven options were up for consideration, five of which were named for people. Of the five people considered, all but Obama were local figures, including Oliver Hill, a civil rights attorney who played a significant role in ending “separate but equal”; Barbara Johns, a civil rights leader; Albert Norrell, a long-time educator from a family of educators in Richmond for over a century; and Henry Marsh, another civil rights leader and the first African-American mayor of Richmond. Anyone of these would have been a more fitting and deserving individual to have a school named after them. This community clearly values the contributions of civil rights leaders who have had a positive impact on African-Americans, yet they honored a man whose “positive” impact on African-Americans is largely symbolic, and whose actual impact has been negative. In fact, Barack Obama was perhaps the worst president for African-Americans since Lyndon B. Johnson.



  1. I swear that the world has gone mad!

  2. Naming schools after Obama is a travesty. Period!

  3. They would have done better by pulling a name out of a hat.

  4. Schools should be named after people who have made positive contributions to society. Just because obama fooled the dumbed down immoral ignoramuses of the country doesn't mean he ever did anything worthwhile. This is the problem with many in the US. Because of a lack of morals and decency they idolize ghetto trash liars like obama. The black communities are especially feeling the generations now of living in a moral-less society with all the black on black violent crimes. Most blacks claim (lie really)to be Christian but most vote democrat. The fact is you are a big liar to say you are both because it's impossible to be both, Real Christians never vote democrat. The democrat platform is the doctrine of satan with the killing of babies and the acceptance of every perversion known to man. Blacks picking and chosing what parts of the Bible they only want to follow makes them fake Christians and that I why God has and will continue to turn His back on them until they become real Christians.

  5. Why doesn't this turd just leave the country? I am offended when I see or hear his name. Someone that hates America is not my favorite person.

  6. Makes you want to throw up

  7. I think this is very appropriate naming failing schools after a failure of a president! Anyone with a brain can figure it out!

  8. Hey the liberals got their "historic" first and only half-black president. Let them name their schools after him.

  9. Believe many are still waiting for that HOPE and CHANGE..........



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