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Saturday, June 09, 2018

Ocean City Flooding


  1. What is new? 1/2 inch of rain and OC is under water by a foot. Been happening for more than a 1/2 century.

  2. 5:17 - the reason this is noteworthy is the speed with which it occurred - I was just leaving my condo at approximately no when suddenly the rain came down and within minutes this is what occurred. While your comment is correct with regard to downtown (and to some extent mid town) I have never seen it like this uptown in a decade of living there

  3. Try 8 inches of water.

  4. Why drive thru it? Whats the point of ruining your vehicle. I would have parked at Rosenfeld's and grabbed myself a reuben while waiting for the water to recede a bit.

  5. 943
    Nobody on here wants to read about FACTS.
    A rain event of 8 inches in a few hours is extremely abnormal - possibly a result of military experiments with weather modification. It will never be admitted of course.

    But like I said, nobody on this blog believes any thing abnormal ever happens.
    They have seen it all, many times during their short lifespans.
    8 inch rain? No bigggy. I used to walk to school in 2 foot of snow uphill, both ways. So on.


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