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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Obama Secretly Meeting With Potential 2020 Candidates

Former President Barack Obama has been secretly holding meetings with multiple potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.

Obama has so far met with at least nine possible candidates at his office in the World Wildlife Fund building in Washington, D.C.,Politico reports.

All the meetings were arranged quietly, without even some close advisers to the people involved being told of the conversations, in part because of how much Obama bristles at his private meetings becoming public knowledge. All have been confirmed to POLITICO by multiple people who have been briefed on the secretive sit-downs.

The meetings have been at Obama’s personal office on the third floor of the World Wildlife Fund building in D.C.’s West End neighborhood, and they show how a stream of ambitious, searching politicians are looking for guidance and support from the man who has remained the reluctant leader of the Democratic Party, eager to be involved, though not directly. He's not making any promises of support, though, and is not expected to endorse in the 2020 race until after a nominee has emerged.



  1. It was Obama’s lack of accomplishments that drove trump’s victory. Why anyone would seek Obama’s advice is beyond me.

  2. LOL he and Hillary make up the brain trust for the Dems.....their best is Creepy Joe! Great work, you are a true endorsement for the Republicans and President Donald J. Trump's re-election in 2020!!!!!

  3. Bob Aswell ...Bob AswellJune 12, 2018 at 1:06 PM

    With Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi as their marching standards the Dumbocrats should do well in 2020. The more misinformed a candidate is the more they like and back them. The funny part is Trumps' the winner and they helped him. I suggest they take Biden out of mothballs and encourage him and that's a sure explosion with them the target. Ha! Ha! Finally painted in a corner. By the way the guy who says he can't understand what I write... This includes YOU, liberal Dumbocrat. Maybe the problem in translation is like others in your party...Between your ears. You must work for the Daily Times because if it didn't make sense Joe wouldn't have printed it. NOT FOOLED....Bob Aswell

  4. Best thing that can happen to the Republican Party. Obama giving advice to candidates.

  5. Hopefully he will be giving advice from a jail cell soon

  6. Wasting his time. Trump will be re-elected. I'd put big money on it.

  7. Great news! He did such a good job for hildabeast. Hope they take his advice, and run with it.


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