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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Newly-elected Ga. official refuses Bible, takes oath of office on 'Autobiography of Malcolm X'

One of the new council members in one of Georgia’s biggest cities picked Malcolm X over the Bible for her swearing-in.

Mariah Parker was sworn in this week to represent District 2 on the Athens-Clarke County Commission and refused to take her oath of office on the Bible, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

“They asked if they would like the Bible and I said no. My mother asked if there was a copy of the Constitution around. No,” Ms. Parker told the AJC.

“I wanted Malcolm’s book,” she said, referring to “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” which, despite its title, was written by Alex Haley after its subject’s assassination by members of the Nation of Islam.

“I think they saw it coming,” said Ms. Parker, who also raised her fist in a black-power salute while taking the oath.

She is a 26-year-old doctoral student at the University of Georgia, in Athens, and won her race by just 13 votes. She campaigned for “bold, progressive leadership in Athens.”



  1. these people are sick!

  2. Wow...Maybe America isn't for her.

  3. The nation didn't killed Malcom.

  4. True American communist. Why not swear on Marvel comic books ? What's next with these self-appointed saviors of the world? It's time to put an end to this nonsense. Should be asked while running for the office if they will swear on The Bible is so elected. We at least know what values someone has before voting.

  5. Let's see how this "bold, progressive leader" works out for the people of Athens. It looks like she's one of now two black members of the ten member commission, so her progressiveness might only be a thorn.

  6. I bet those 13 people are regretting their choice now

  7. 1251-You want to make a bet? Malcolm X was murdered on orders of Elijah Muhammad.

  8. Malcom was killed by his own just like 99% of Blacks killed today are killed by Blacks. She needs to go back to mother land lol. Whites need to unite and come up with some type of salute. 88

  9. See not taking a knee for JESUS! But a demon worshipping muslim. A Religion of deceivers and liers This WILL come back to bite us but it Appears. its already started

  10. Bold, progressive leadership means she's going to be a Liberal pain in the behind.

  11. What a complete ass!

  12. Malcolm who???? Should get sworn in on "Stand up for America" autobiography of Governor George C. Wallace!

  13. She should have been denied swearing in. Swearing in means taking the oath of office on the Bible. If you don't take the oath then you don't get sworn in.

  14. Why even take an oath of office if you can't take it the right way.

  15. Holy crap...yet another example of this country going to hell in a hand basket...this has got to be stopped...

  16. How could Athens and Georgia allowed this to happen? If you don't love this country and God that created it all then live in another country. Bet this woman has a record and proud of it.

  17. Lowest form of life on this planet - what a scumbag!

    Let's also think about the intelligence level of the group that elected this turd...thet'll tell all we need to know. The village that she represents will become a third-world run-down slum - if it isn't already!

  18. This is evidence that we are no longer the United States of America with a Constitution.

  19. The Holy Bible means nothing to many politicians today. That is why our Nation is in the shape it is in. That is why Trump was elected President. Not because most of us wanted to vote for him. But given the choices, we HAD to vote for him.

  20. Crash and burn. Oh wait, that place is burning anyway.

  21. Hey, DC revered and elected, and reelected a...CRACKHEAD. It the kind of leaders THEY elect...ones like them. Certainly emphasizes the differences between us.


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