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Saturday, June 09, 2018

New FBI Emails Wreck Official Clinton Timeline

Judicial Watch posted 16 pages of newly released Justice Department documents about the infamous Lynch/Clinton tarmac meeting

A July 2016 email from FBI agent Peter Strzok suggests bureau insiders discussed the conclusion of its investigation into 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as early as April 2016 — months before the FBI interviewed Clinton.

“Another Strzok email suggest[s] the decision on the Clinton email matter has been under discussion since April 2016 — three months before then-FBI Director James Comey announced he would recommend no prosecution,” the nonprofit government watchdog Judicial Watch revealed Thursday.

Clinton’s use of her private email server to conduct official Department of State business and the FBI’s investigation cast a cloud over her 2016 campaign against President Donald Trump. After exonerating her in July 2016, former FBI Director James Comey reopened the investigation in late October 2016 — just two weeks before Election Day — before closing it again and exonerating her again only days before the election.

The email from Strzok resulted from an email chain discussing former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s decision to recuse herself from the Clinton probe after an Arizona journalist exposed her secret meeting in late June 2016 with former President Bill Clinton on a Phoenix airport tarmac. Lynch subsequently claimed she and Clinton discussed only family matters, including grandchildren.



  1. It was already in the bag. No surprise. Does anyone think that Obama had anything to do with it?

  2. Hillary will disappear soon

    Just Like Hitler did


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