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Sunday, June 10, 2018


Salisbury, MD ... County Executive Bob Culver wants to assure the citizens of Wicomico County that Wicomico County Mosquito Control is working diligently spraying to address the increase in the mosquito population. The County has had 17" of rain in the last 4 weeks and this has contributed to the escalation in mosquitos. Due to the wet conditions, trucks are unable to drive off of the hard road surfaces to spray many yards. They also cannot spray when it is raining, however, they are spraying as often as they can and are cycling through all of the routes regularly. Citizens are urged to reduce any standing water locations on their property, such as bird baths, old tires, buckets, flower pots and garbage cans.

Requests for mosquito service may be made by e-mailing mosquito@wicomicocounty.org<mailto:mosquito@wicomicocounty.org>. Please be certain to include your name, address and telephone number.


  1. Please spray the Mayor's office. Daily until the pests are eliminated is preferred

  2. This is BS. Our HOA pays for mosquito spraying. I have not seen a truck all year. Heard one about a week ago, but I have a Nest camera and have reviewed video. Nope- not once.
    Maybe he's parking his truck near Bennett HS like one of the other county workers a while back.
    Mr. Culver, please address this ASAP. Hire more drivers before this becomes a West Nile virus epidemic. Find more money in the budget.
    People can't even go outside!! Listen to your voters; not your drivers.

  3. This is not just a Wicomico county problem

  4. The truck was out spraying last night around 9

  5. Note to everybody: If you request this “service” be prepared to PAY for it.

  6. The mosquitoes are beasts this year.

  7. We don't have a mosquito problem in FL.

  8. We are Wicomico County residents and we have to pay each year for spraying. It doesn't seem to do any good.

  9. My purple martins don't even fly anymore. They just sit on their perch and grab em.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Please spray the Mayor's office. Daily until the pests are eliminated is preferred

    June 5, 2018 at 7:22 AM

    I agree 100%. Get that scum out of their including that scumbag RINO Nate Sansom. If this clown Nate Sansom is on the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee then why is he volunteering many hours in Jake Day's office when there is a Republican County Executive. If he doesn't like Bob Culver then there is a 6 member Republican County Council that he can volunteer for.

    The guy is a scum bag and he has the nerve to put his name on the ballot for the Republican Central Committee. Make sure you do not check his name in the upcoming election this June.

  11. Anonymous said...
    This is BS. Our HOA pays for mosquito spraying. I have not seen a truck all year. Heard one about a week ago, but I have a Nest camera and have reviewed video. Nope- not once.
    Maybe he's parking his truck near Bennett HS like one of the other county workers a while back.
    Mr. Culver, please address this ASAP. Hire more drivers before this becomes a West Nile virus epidemic. Find more money in the budget.
    People can't even go outside!! Listen to your voters; not your drivers.

    June 5, 2018 at 8:36 AM

    If you have a true complaint then name names. Where is the HOA so we can check to see if you really do have a contract.

    When do you want them to spray? When it's raining so it can all wash away.

  12. This is the worst year for mosquitoes so get over it.

    Go outside and dump all the water out of the trash you have in your yard. Dump the little cheesy kiddie pool because it's a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

  13. The citizens in the city area including Presidents Neighborhood, Princeton Homes Area, Bennett School, Snow Hill Rd. and Eastern Shore Drive have not been sprayed in about 20 years and getting worse every year. So before you spray the richy rich areas remember we are tax payers too, we do not need side walks we need need, police patrol and relief from the misquitoes. We are more than just an area to hide Jake's orange bikes.

    1. The truck sprayed eastern shore Dr last night I was following the truck

  14. In the Hunting Park neighborhood there are a number of drainage ditches that haven’t been properly maintained bu the county. They are clogged and collect standing water that should be flowing. Several weeks ago during one of the storms the county came to remove a branch from one of the ditch bank trees. After a few minutes I guess the decided it was too difficult with the equipment they brought so they pushed the entire tree over and it is still laying ther, contributing to the problem. Drainage is the county drainage system is a big contributor and could be addressed fairly easily if given the attention it deserves. It would also relieve some street and yard flooding.

    1. The ditches that go behind homes are not County ditches... they are private. Perhaps you and your neighbors can get out some shovels.

  15. Anybody know if Somerset is going to spray at all? We moved barely across the Wicomico County line for the first summer in years so I'm just wondering what/if anything Somerset County does??

  16. They (sonerset) sprayed once in Eden right before Memorial Day. Nothing since and last year they hit our street weekly.

  17. What is in the mosquito spray? Not sure I want to breath that stuff. I can’t imagine it is harmless to humans if it kills mosquitoes so easily. Any information on the substance appreciated.

  18. Hurry up , they're big as B 52 Bombers
    around our territory, Can't even let the
    dogs out for long before they're covered.
    Never seen anything like it since I lived
    in the Country 50 yrs ago!

    1. Relax

      ALFRED Hitchcock is making a movie

      the attack of the mosquitos

  19. I live in Steeplechase and they are spraying right this second. They’ve been spraying a lot.

  20. Some areas in the county the liaison does not let anyone know it is available and the ones that know gets over charged going by the county rates per home. There needs to be some type of guidelines. I know these are facts in my area because I done it for 10 years and give it up. I was never notified if they still sprayed or not.


  21. Was doing some trimming tonight. Needed to be in jacket with hood and still they were after face. They are really bad. We need a stretch of dry weather to thin them out.

  22. Here is a suggestion, how about the county build a dome over all of Wicomico County. We would have complete climate and pest control. We could still have sunlight and use sprinklers.


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