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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Md. Sen. Chris Van Hollen visits Mexican border on Father's Day

He is investigating the Trump Administration's policy of separating children from their families at the Mexican border.

“Everything that I saw today confirmed my worst fears,” Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen told WUSA 9 via FaceTime Sunday evening.

Instead of spending this Father’s Day with his own children, Van Hollen was one of eight lawmakers to tour a processing center in McAllen, Texas. He also visited a site near Brownsville, TX and tells WUSA 9 he spoke with an emotional mother currently separated from her child.

Why Van Hollen?

The Maryland Senator told WUSA 9 he had enough and wanted to investigate this policy of separating children for himself. Cameras were not allowed inside the facilities he toured, so he describes it for us.

“In that center, you had people sort-of huddled in these very large pens with chain-linked fence, including a lot of kids, masses of kids huddled together,” he said. The Senator says this facility had over 100 separated kids inside.

Van Hollen tells WUSA9 what he saw is the result of the Trump Administration’s “Zero Tolerance Policy.”

It’s a practice put in place last month to deter illegal border crossings.

The Administration is now criminally prosecuting the people caught crossing the border illegally, which means detention for the adults until they get a trial.

The result: separations.



  1. Oh well, get over it!!!! IF they didn't come here illegally and break the LAWS of AMERICA, then they wouldn't have to worry about any of this now would they!!!!

    I guess the senators of the USA are truly that stupid, and here i just thought they played stupid to be able to get away with criminal activity... No they really are that stupid, not knowing what the term ILLEGAL means...

  2. Really simple solution to this, don't come to America illegally !
    If a parent is so callous and shallow to deliberately subject their kids to this, knowing what will happen to them, well I don't feel sorry for them or their kids at all !

    And to you Liberal Morons, would you feel sorry for someone stupid enough to lock their pets in a hot car knowing full well the outcome? These parents also are just as stupid knowing the outcome!

  3. Van Hollen lies like a rug.

  4. Why didn't Chrissy go there in 2014, when Obama had separated 25K kids from their families? Hypocrite Chrissy!

  5. No 11:41, you are stupid and shameful as well. This policy is horrifying. Any American that seeks to justify ripping children away from their families for any reason is sick and cold inside. WTF is wrong with you? Go crawl back under that rock you have been living under.

    1. If you are an American and both parents committed a crime your children would be taken away from you. Tell me the difference!

    2. I am not 11:41, but you must be educated about the meaning of illegal.

  6. Chris, those parents are now criminals. I guess instead of these poor little children being cared for in a shelter they should be in the Federal Prison with the general population so they could be with their dads?

    News flash, Chris, these "Dads" set these kids up for this and now there's no other choice for them. Their parents should have applied for Citizenship LEGALLY so this wouldn't happen.

    It's not the USA's fault. We have laws regulating immigration that anyone in the world is welcome to comply with to avoid this very situation.

    Shut up, go home, and quit separating yourself from your own danged children!

  7. Are the kids abused? No. Fed? Yes. Have activities? Yes. Immunizations and health care? Maybe the first ever.

    This histrionic reporting is another reason that I didn't vote for this guy.

  8. Sorry about their luck. Shouldn't try to come here illegally and break the law. Better than we would be treated if the situation was reversed.
    I would expect nothing more report wise from an A$$wipe Senator form Maryland the socialist/liberal capital of the east coast. He couldn't govern his way out of a wet paper bag. Vote them all out if they don't have the stomach for what needs to be done. We will end up just like Europe if we keep letting them in.

  9. Just grandstanding for votes. This guy is a disgrace!

  10. I bet the tax payers are paying for this. That money could have been used elsewhere! I think Van Hollen and Frosh are competing to see which one can spend the most of our money.

  11. Big deal, he should stay there if he is interested in it.Sure doesn't do anything for Marylander's.

  12. van hollen another nasty piece of useless garbage. You know anything the garbage says is going to be a lie 0r at least honest people know this. Nothing out of a democrats mouth is ever to be believed. They are all piece of crap liars. Too bad the lying filth didn't stay at the border. MD would have immediately been a better place with the filth out of here,

  13. These kids are removed because the adults that were with them are NOT the parents or that those adults represent a risk of harm to the kids. Why does this crocked politician not know the law that is being followed?

  14. Why wasn't this a big issue in 2010 under Obama when the photos were taken? These photos from 2010-2014 show kids held in centers and separated from their parents and it was no big deal then, so why now?

  15. 12:25, I guess the families that are seeking asylum LEGALLY should get their children taking too huh?

  16. von hollen watch out you might get voted out

  17. The person responsible for "the children" may possibly be their parents. We are not responsible to care for the actions of others.

  18. " Anonymous said...

    No 11:41, you are stupid and shameful as well. This policy is horrifying. Any American that seeks to justify ripping children away from their families for any reason is sick and cold inside. WTF is wrong with you? Go crawl back under that rock you have been living under.

    June 18, 2018 at 11:56 AM"

    The only thing shameful and pathetic is the worthless crap that raised you to think breaking laws is okay. That's the problem with you low class putrid losers. Your parents weren't worth a damn. Animals raise young better then the leg spreader and sperm inserter that spawned you. You should be ashamed of yourself but since were raised by worthless garbage that escapes you. Parents shouldn't be breaking laws period much less with their children in tow I just hope to hell you didn't multiply because anything you spawned is to be pitied to be raised by trash who thinks breaking the law is okay. Animals are more civilized then you are-Garbage Can.

  19. 11:56 The problem with you people is it is like you are living under rocks because you people who don't get off the shore don't know what goes on in the real world. Let me school you Many of them coming in illegal from South America have bought those children. Yes you heard it right. To many in El Salvador, Columbia, etc children are nothing more then commodities. They are now being used as tools for the highest bidder to gain sympathy and quicker admittance. You people really really really need to educate yourselves on the real horrors of immigration.

  20. " Anonymous said...

    12:25, I guess the families that are seeking asylum LEGALLY should get their children taking too huh?

    June 18, 2018 at 2:54 PM"

    LOL you people are so ignorant that it's funny. They are all claiming asylum now. It's the trend. 99,9 percent don't qualify but they lie about their circumstances. You ignoramuses need to get off the shore once in awhile so you can see how it is in the real world,

  21. 2:54, put down the crack pipe. Legal immigrants are treated differently under the law than lawbreakers.

  22. 11:41 so...how about the million plus American people incarcerated for breaking the law...they are "ripped" from their kids too...is that cold and sick too? Should we get rid of our legal system altogether so families aren't apart???? Let chaos take over?

  23. Don't seperate them, put all of them on a bus and drop them off at the border.

  24. They were warned and came anyway. The parents are to blame for coming here illegally. The liberals are to blame for not enforcing current law in the first place. Obama caged illegals and the liberal media reported nothing. If they keep up this anti-Trump insanity the liberals will keep losing elections.

  25. Maybe he could visit Comey, lynch, love birds, McCabe the 2 unknown FBI agents, spy's and bring them to congress so WE THE PEOPLE can hear the Russian collusion tale.... IG report = illegal alien open boarders Crises pivot.


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