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Friday, June 29, 2018

Maxine Waters Paid $56,000 for Endorsement Mailers This Cycle

Daughter runs lucrative 'slate mailer' operation through her campaign, which has netted her more than $750,000

Rep. Maxine Waters's campaign has pulled in $56,000 this cycle through her "slate mailer" operation, filings show.

The mailers are sent out to more than 200,000 people in South Central Los Angeles and contain an "official sample ballot" and quotes from Waters on the candidates or measures she supports. In exchange for placement on the mailer, Waters's campaign committee receives a donation.

The payments to Citizens for Waters this cycle range from $2,000 to $12,000 and have come from a handful of California judicial candidates. Waters's campaign has collected the $56,000 from seven committees, filings show.

Citizens for Waters, Waters's campaign committee, runs the program. Karen, Maxine's daughter, has collected more than $750,000 in "professional fees" from the campaign since the practice first was given the green light by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).



  1. A professional mailer? Sounds like a liberal arts degree at work.

  2. Check to see if she got the taxpayers to pay for them.

  3. Check to see if her daughter paid taxes.


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