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Friday, June 22, 2018

Malcolm Jenkins: NFL Introduced New Anthem Policy ‘Out of Fear’ — ‘It Really Backfired’

Thursday on ESPN’s “Get Up,” Philadelphia Eagles safety and activist Malcolm Jenkins discussed the NFL’s new National Anthem policy that requires players to either stand on the field or remain in the locker room.

According to Jenkins, the new policy was like a slap in the face.

“It kinda undermines everything you thought you were working for,” Jenkins told co-host Michelle Beadle. “It thwarts that right to speak your mind and really fight for your communities … especially because we felt like they understood where we were coming from. We grabbed the league’s hand and showed them exactly the issues that we’ve been fighting for — that it was about creating a fair justice system, that is about ending mass incarceration, re-reconciling our relationships with law enforcement. They have seen the work we have done for two years first-hand. And so, I think out of fear and to balance, you know, I guess both sides and play the middle, they put in this policy. And I think, like I said, it really backfired.”



  1. Hope he wraps up his NFL career in short order and moves on to his life's work fixing the world.

  2. It's okay, we won't know the results of the decision either way it goes.

    We'll be watching other sports instead.

  3. The only side the NFL has to take is the side that puts people in the seats. The NFL is a business not an SJW organization. Mr. Jenkins you work for the NFL. If you don't like their policies then please quit your job.

  4. NO, the NFL is a workplace like any other with no more or no fewer the rights we all have. When I go to work, I complete what is assigned to me under the guidelines given to me. When I complete my work at the end of the day, I go home, and if I feel like I need my voice to be heard, I can do so (within reason) on my own time AWAY from work.

  5. stop breaking the law and you won't have to worry about it! malcom is just another spoiled liberal, nfl=no fans left!

  6. Can't wait for XFL

  7. When his "career " is over he will just be another hood rat on welfare in five years

  8. Cry and whine on your own damn time.

  9. Probably already involved in criminal activity....many of these punks already are!

  10. Don't care..we don't watch NFL anymore..canceled NFL package..want to protest, do it on your own time, not at your workplace...such as it is...

  11. And which one of those overpaid athletes has put ANY of their money where their mouth is? There's no "cause", just protest for attention. If there was a cause, they would be funding it. They need to find new jobs, because they have killed the golden goose that made them wealthy with nothing but a physical knack for playing a game. Apparently it doesn't require much intelligence to play football. Worst yet, the NFL and the owners allowed the players to kill the league's golden goose. Like many, I am done with watching football, and attending the games at Baltimore. I still can't believe they allowed the players to take over and destroy the sport, just because they were afraid if being called racists. Well the black players are racists, and look what they did with it. They ruined football and tried to turn the games into political statements. Go away football, you are done (to me).


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