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Friday, June 22, 2018

Long Live Conservative Blogs!


  1. This is also what millions of American Voters also do! If it is a Democrat running, they vote for it, no matter what or whom would be better for the country.
    There is a particular group of people that continue to vote Democrats into office and yet never ever achieved the level of employment as they have today.
    If they did vote for Trump, their fellow sheep would be furious.
    It is a shame that so many people in all races are allowed to vote when it is so obvious that can't make any good life decisions.

  2. The globalist bankers who run the world through control of the Central Banks and fiat money printing, also own the media companies. They control the agendas. The intelligence agencies work for them and write the scripts for these media outlets. Everything is planned and controlled.

    If one repeats something over and over again, then the listeners will believe it - no matter how strange it might seem to be at first.

    We are truly being "mind controlled".

  3. Robots, Big Brother is loving it.

  4. Big Brother is pleased to announce that the chocolate ration is now twenty grams per month. Long live Big Brother!

  5. Must be a script that is passed out to to the news networks. But by who, exactly? No way they all just happened to say the exact same thing.


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