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Saturday, June 09, 2018

Liberal Agenda


  1. Their ultimate goal is to create chaos so we don't notice the amount of tax pay monies they steal from the public as they sell out the country to the one world government communists.

  2. and/or Pre-Detention/Pre-Prison Centers. This because of obama and the democrats known violent students are allowed to remain in schools. If not for the democrat 17 people would still be alive in FL and if any dare deny this fact they are only proving that democrats lie about everything.
    Notice all the large fights and RAPES that happened under obama just in the local schools. This because obama and the democrats would rather lie and pretend the schools aren't suspending/expelling students anymore because improvements have been made when the truth is the opposites. Shouldn't surprise anyone democrats would rather students get raped because they are very perverted gross people anyway. The party of the foulest degenerates on earth..

  3. That is the first time I have seen liberal and truth used together.


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