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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Leftmedia: Trump Caused Newspaper Attack

Five journalists who worked at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, were murdered Thursday when an individual with a longstanding grudge against the newspaper blasted his way into the building seeking revenge for a lost 2015 defamation lawsuit he had leveled against the paper. It was personal animus against that specific newspaper, not some generalized anti-media sentiments. Nevertheless, as news of the attack quickly spread across the country, once again leftists politicized the atrocity by blaming President Donald Trump.

The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman wrote, “What happened today is sickening. This alleged gunman appears to have had a longstanding grudge against the paper and little else is known so far. But Trump is the only president in memory to call the press ‘the enemy of the people.’”

Reuters’ Rob Cox went further, angrily pontificating, “This is what happens when [Donald Trump] calls journalists the enemy of the people. Blood is on your hands, Mr. President. Save your thoughts and prayers for your empty soul.” Others joined in with similar memes.“

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway observed, "We also didn’t see [the MSM] wonder if the media’s harsh treatment of Republicans led to the mass assassination attempt on a baseball field filled with Republican senators and members of Congress last June. They also didn’t wonder if anti-police rhetoric led to the targeted murders of various policemen in recent years. The blame game seems to work one way with traditional media sources.”



  1. Susan Parker and the rest of those whore at the Daily Times are blaming Donald Trump and Milo.

    Funny thing is they are totally ignoring the threats made against the Trumps, staff and all Republicans by idiots like Maxine Waters.

  2. What planet are these people from?!

  3. The left wing jerks are stupid enough to believe we are stupid enough to believe them...wrong.

  4. The MSM, CNN, MSN And all other Liberal Anarchist news organizations are the cause of this violence. They preach hatred, violence against people they disagree with / hate. When they are caught and they only have the blame game of the ones they disagree / hate. That is a "bully" tactic that has been around since "bullying" began. The "bullies" always claim innocence.

  5. Hope President Trump sues them for defemation


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