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Monday, June 25, 2018

Left-Wing Activists Harass Florida AG Pam Bondi at Movie Theater

Protesters confronted Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at a showing of a documentary about children’s TV host Fred Rogers, and they questioned the Republican’s stands on immigration and health care.

The Tampa Bay Times reports Bondi received a police escort Friday when several members of the left-wing group Organize Florida confronted her as she left a Tampa theater after seeing Won’t You Be My Neighbor about Mr. Rogers. The demonstrators questioned Florida joining a lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act and Bondi’s general support of President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

Bondi protester Maria Jose Chapa said was an impromptu demonstration after someone spotted the attorney general, who has a national following as a contributor on Fox News and as ally of President Trump. The video shows that as Bondi and her companion left the theater surrounded by officers, Chapa followed her, yelling.



  1. Stupid democrats are only hurting the business not Bondi because the President's supporters will get disgusted and stay home.

  2. The Demon left democrat harassment needs to stop. Not gonna work

  3. That was not an”impromptu demonstration” it wa disorderly conduct and preventing free passage, the police should have arrested her, but of course then the police would be attacked. This country is so upside down after Obama’s succeeded in creating this type of behavior.

  4. Is truly amazing how many useful idiots there are in this country. so many willing to jump on the bandwagon of the demonic new world order of the banker robber barons, same old status quo of corrupt politicians, marxism, and new age religions. Along comes a non player and they hate him. Kinda makes me wonder why. GOD bless our president and MAGA.

  5. Florida has a "Stand your ground" law, if you are threatened you can use deadly force if you feel scared.

  6. "...s Bondi and her companion left the theater surrounded by officers, Chapa followed her, yelling."

    I'm pretty sure if this stalking a Federal official under the Obama administration by Republicans they would have been locked up. Fortunately Republicans don't have the hatred in their DNA to protest, stalk and harass like the Left Wingnuts do!

  7. Anonymous said...
    That was not an”impromptu demonstration” it wa disorderly conduct and preventing free passage, the police should have arrested her, but of course then the police would be attacked. This country is so upside down after Obama’s succeeded in creating this type of behavior.

    June 25, 2018 at 5:48 PM

    Amen to that!

  8. That video was full of hate mongering misfits of the Democrat Party just like we see in Jared Schablein, Jake Burdett, Earle Hatton, Mike Folkoff, Michele Gregory, Jamaad Gould, James Yakamawa, Josh Hastings, Seamus Benn and Sarah Meyers, et. al. They are mostly the young troublemakers of the Misfit Democrat party of Hate.

    Please do not vote for any of these clowns who are running for central committee or county council. If they are elected they will be dysfunctional and they will be nothing but problems in this county. They are radical and have been creating problems since this election began.

    These people are self-proclaimed Social Justice Warriors and card carrying, flag waving Black Lives Matter radicals. They are trouble and this is not what the party should be a part of.

    This county can't have these Left Wingnut radicals running it. They are trouble and dysfunctional.

    Do NOT VOTE for these people, they will make your lives miserable and cause your taxes to skyrocket!


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