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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Jack Dorsey Apologizes for Eating Chick-fil-A After Twitter Mob Attacks

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was attacked by a large number of users, including Soledad O’Brien, after he decided to eat at Chick-fil-A during “Pride Month.” He apologized, explaining that he “completely forgot about their background.”

After posting a screenshot showing that he had received a discount from Chick-fil-A, Dorsey was immediately attacked by liberal Twitter users.

This is an interesting company to boost during Pride month,” complained Soledad O’Brien, prompting Dorsey to apologize by responding, “You’re right. Completely forgot about their background.”

More here


  1. The MSM mind control is unbelievably powerful. This article is an example. People are being controlled by public “appearances” and businesses are attacked. This is crazy for the US! I grew up in the 1970s and barely recognize this Country now.

    This is a clear indication that the Communists (Freemasons and Zionists) took over the Country. It is pure Satanism and Cabala.

  2. Makes me want to eat Chick-fil-A three times a day by golly

  3. I grew up on the shore in the 50s and 60s. Imagine how I feel at what Marxist, liberal, progressive, socialist, communist democrats have done to my country.

  4. 12:30 has it right...More satanic bullying by his followers.

  5. I hear the lgbt crowd is going to sue Chick-fil-A for not opening on Sunday.

  6. 6:30....how can 12:30 have anything right with a dull mind. Such ignorant simple remarks. Wow, society is doomed.


  7. He must have neglected to wear his pink knit hat that day in order to be a true SJW. What a jerk! Wait until PETA starts tracking him!!

  8. Even the gays have an ISIS like branch to enforce their own brand of correct PC culture on the average citizen.

  9. Hey, I disagree with my wife on a regular basis, but I'll still eat when she makes me a sammich!

  10. Referring to the "Target" conversation that appears on this blog, the "hitting businesses in their pocket book " works both ways


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