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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Italian Populist Leaders Hold Rally, Warn Migrants “It’s Time to Pack Your Bags”

Italy’s interior minister, Matteo Salvini, declares one of the new government’s top priorities will be to “send them home”, signalling that he intends to keep a campaign promise to deport hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants in Italy. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/01/italy-vows-to-send-home-undocumented-immigrants 


  1. Gee, that means more coming to the USA

  2. i was in Rome last year and everyone I talked to hated the Migrants, Refugees, and immigrants. I return to USA and our stupid media is continuing to claim that Europe loves its open door policy and welcomes the Migrants, Immigrant and Refugees, BS!

    This additional drain on their resources is killing regular folks quality of life to pay for these interlopers!

  3. Take note Maryland. I wonder what Jake has to say about the increasing numbers of illegals in Salisbury. Is he pro law and pro American, or wants those criminals to be here taking our jobs? The mall is full of them on Sundays and rainy days. Almost outnumbering Americans.

  4. 1:39 PM - Have you asked for their papers, or do you just assume?


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