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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Is violence next?

The refusal of a Virginia restaurant owner to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the latest incident in the escalating public hostility directed at President Trump and his aides, raising concerns among some conservatives about the potential for partisan-inspired violence.

Leading Democrats largely failed to condemn the actions of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, where owner Stephanie Wilkinson asked Mrs. Sanders to leave Friday night because her liberal staff detests the administration and didn’t want to serve her party.

Mrs. Sanders agreed to leave, saying of the restaurant owner later on Twitter, “Her actions say far more about her than about me.”

The incident has sparked outrage among Trump supporters as another example of intolerance on the left and increasingly aggressive partisan confrontation, especially in the wake of the president’s rescinded policy on separating illegal immigrant children from their parents.

Possible 2020 Democratic presidential contenders Joseph R. Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts have done little to discourage the hostile rhetoric. Ms. Warren has accused the president of “taking America to a dark and ugly place,” and at least one of her colleagues went further, calling for total social ostracism and perpetual public confrontations.

“The increasing personal nastiness toward people who work for President Trump reflects the left’s understanding that they are losing,” tweeted former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. “Nastiness reflects desperation, not strength. They can’t win the argument, so they use nastiness. Sad and dangerous.”



  1. Violence is a matter of time as Democrats, Progressives and other radical groups are getting bolder in their attacks on other Americans. Violence had previously occurred at rallies, but now it will occur at any venue. It will start out as verbal abuse, then physical violence and ultimately, a member of the "gun control crowd" (AS IN WE WANT TO CONTROL YOU HAVING GUNS) will shoot and kill someone.

    If the FCC or DOJ had the nerve, they would suspend broadcast licenses and arrest the the ones who are advocating violence.

  2. When it gets really ugly, the liberals will get hurt while the conservatives are actually defending themselves...with witnesses!

    Gonna be fun to watch!

    Arm yourselves and don't travel alone! You'll want witnesses to their provocation and your self defense!

  3. There is no rational thought. It's not just restaurants, but also within families. I have liberal relatives and in laws who won't talk to me because I like and support Trump as my president.

    Been Unfriended on facebook, and I have to bite my tongue at work and keep my opinions to myself because I am a middle aged white male working with liberals and snowflakes.

    For the life of me, I can't figure them out or why they think they way they do. I can't watch the evening news anymore because of the Trump bashing and being reminded I am the enemy.

    It's a living nightmare that won't end well for this country. Freedom of speech is dead and if you don't agree with the ignorant masses, you are the enemy. Whatever happened to just agreeing to disagree? There seems to be no common ground anymore and no where to escape to!

  4. The intelligence agencies (MEDIA) are doing a fabulous job stirring the pot and encouraging violence.
    They tried desperately to get a racial war started for several years under Obama but their efforts failed as the white population did not take the bait. Plenty of black population took the bait and wanted to engage, but luckily the white people did not fight.

    Now we see an effort to get Conservatives (Nationalists) to fight with Liberals (Communists).
    I suggest it will once again, fail.

    The American People do not want to fight.
    We just like to talk about politics.
    No fighting here.

    Thank you

  5. This woman along with Maxine Waters, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Elijah Cummings, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AL Sharpton, Antifa, George Soros and the Congressional Black Caucus to start with Has started the new "Civil War". They are breaking down the walls to control people they disagree with. That is why they are attempting to take our weapons through ridiculous restrictions on the 2nd Amendment and no restrictions on the 1st Amendment. They are to stupid to realize without the 2nd Amendment there will be no 1st Amendment. Lock & Load now to protect you & your Family.

  6. The luciferian cabal is getting nervous. They are no longer in control. Be vigilant since satan deals in death. No lives matter to him. His followers as we can see... their heads are spinning and frothing at the mouth with deception and lies. Its just a matter of time before another one comes off their meds

    1. Peace alliance of the lower shore @ Unitarian building on Old Ocean City rd ...are full of opiate Anti Trump crazy people

  7. The luciferian cabal is getting nervous. They are no longer in control. Be vigilant since satan deals in death. No lives matter to him. His followers as we can see... their heads are spinning and frothing at the mouth with deception and lies. Its just a matter of time before another one comes off their meds

  8. 3:45 - you are not alone - and we can vote properly!

    I have severe teeth marks in my tongue from the snowflake crap I have to hear at work!

    November cometh! VOTE!

  9. This woman should be fined and taken to court. This is worst difference from the Baker not baking a cake on Religious grounds and this idiot discriminating because of political beliefs. Where is the justice? I forgot this was a liberal and the Baker was a Conservative.

  10. People and actions like this need to be stopped before someone gets hurt, because of their violent actions and words. You democrats are unbelievable.


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