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Monday, June 04, 2018

Is America's Racial Divide Permanent?

For Roseanne Barr, star of ABC’s hit show “Roseanne,” there would be no appeal. When her tweet hit, she was gone.

“Roseanne’s Twitter statement, is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” declaimed Channing Dungey, the black president of ABC Entertainment.

Targeting Valerie Jarrett, a confidante and aide of President Barack Obama, Roseanne had tweeted: If the “muslim brotherhood & the planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”

Offensive, juvenile, crude, but was that not pretty much the job description ABC had in mind for the role of Roseanne in the show?

Roseanne also tweeted that George Soros, 87-year-old radical-liberal billionaire, had been a Nazi “who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps and stole their wealth.”

The Soros slur seems far more savage than the dumb racial joke about Jarrett, but it was the latter that got Roseanne canned.

Her firing came the same day that 175,000 employees of 8,000 Starbucks’s stores were undergoing four hours of instruction to heighten their racial sensitivities.



  1. As long as the Socialist Democrats are in cohoots with the anarchist trying to overthrow our Democracy yes it is here to stay. They know racism is a winning point for them.

  2. No it is not. It is the degradation of the family unit that is ruining all races in this country. Some stand behind a podium of racism as the excuse not to put in the work on themselves. It is very hard for some to take personal responsibility. What will minority races do when they become the majority? Will other races be eligible for the same lowered qualification standards for social programs, job diversity etc? I will live to see and I've got my popcorn ready for the show. I think I can already say spoiler alert because I'm pretty sure how it will play out.

  3. I had the unpleasant experience of riding to the Parkside apts the other day with a friend who was meeting someone who lives there. I was uncomfortable, to say the least. I saw one of those young bucks taking out the trash and nodded to him as he walked by. He totally ignored me, which is fine by me, and he like so many others of his kind had an angry mean look on his face.

    He didn't appear to be that old, 20's I guess. I was a stranger on their "turf" so maybe I was suspicious to him, IDK. But I was so glad to leave that area and wish never to return as I didn't want to go there in the first place.

    Yeah, racism is alive in the da'bury from ALL races.

  4. As long as there are racist shorebillies

  5. America's so called racial divide is the creation of one political faction for the purpose of defeating another political faction.


  6. It is the Leftist's goal.....

  7. The ONLY racism that exists is the total creation of the democrat party. The leaked clinton emails showed her campaign calling blacks lazy and losers and said she didn't feel comfortable meeting with blacks. This is the way the whole democrat party feels and if they deny it they are just getting to that lying they do all the time. democrats have kept blacks in chains and on the plantation. To democrats blacks are nothing but votes. it's the democrats who have herded up blacks and have kept them corralled in the inner city ghettos cess pools of crime and violence. It is the democrats who force black children to attend substandard dangerous schools because the democrats only want those they feel worthy to be able to send their child to a good school.. to democrats blacks aren't worthy. they are to be kept in chains according to democrats. democrats want open borders which hurts blacks more then anyone its another way to keep blacks chained up because with a lot of immigrants wages never rise and blacks are then have to stay in the ghettos.

  8. Alive and well. It will only increase over time.


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