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Monday, June 11, 2018

Indiana GOP overwhelmingly votes to keep marriage definition as 'between a man and a woman'

Indiana Republican Party activists overwhelmingly voted Saturday to reaffirm language first inserted in their platform when Vice President Mike Pence was governor that defines marriage as a union “between a man and a woman.”

The (Northwest Indiana) Times reported that delegates to the party’s biennial state convention chose the existing plank in its party platform over one floated by Gov. Eric Holcomb’s hand-picked party chairman that was intended to be more inclusive of same-sex couples.

Chairman Kyle Hupfer’s proposal would have recognized a variety of families, including “all loving adults” rearing children.

The vote was a victory for Pence-era social conservatives who inserted the affirmation of what they call a “traditional family” into the platform in 2014, when he was governor.

More here


  1. It is time for the "majority" rules to bring back sanity to America. Since when should only approximately nine percent have so much power over the rest of America?

  2. Amen. Finally, there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel.

  3. People are getting fed up with the PC BS.


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