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Monday, June 04, 2018

In Defense of Heterosexual Men Who Refuse to Date Transsexuals

The first thought many guys probably had after reading the title of this article was, “Wait, what? Is that something that needs to be defended? Since when?”

…Since liberalism went even crazier in the Obama years than it was before. That’s since when, buddy. Increasingly, liberals question or worse yet, attack the idea that there’s something abnormal about dating a transsexual.

Transgender Activist: Men Should Find Us Attractive – Men Are Bigots? – Tucker Carlson

Your dating “preferences” are discriminatory | Riley J. Dennis

When You Say “I Would Never Date A Trans Person,” It’s Transphobic. Here’s Why.

After getting many Americans to lie by agreeing that transsexuals are actually the sex they pretend to be, liberals naturally rode down the slippery slope to bathrooms, birth certificates and criminal prosecution of someone using the “wrong” (correct, but politically incorrect) pronoun to describe a transsexual. As Sir Walter Scott said, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” Now that tangled web is starting to extend into dating, which is already a complicated subject for many Americans.

After all, if dating were really simple, there wouldn’t be enough of an incel (involuntarily celibate) movement or a MGTOW (Men going their own way) movement to draw anyone’s attention. Then, you toss in feminists, online dating, the #metoo movement, “yes means yes” insanity on college campuses, a high divorce rate, slanted divorce courts, a rapidly fragmenting, tribal culture and a sexual revolution that has only been around for the blink of an eye compared to the length of human history and dating can be a minefield for a lot of people.

Once you get outside of the norms of human behavior, it gets even tougher. For example, just being gay probably makes it difficult to connect and date in large parts of the United States. Rural parts of the country aren’t as friendly as, say, San Francisco and given the tiny percentage of the population that’s gay, there aren’t many people to choose from in those areas. In other words, good luck being a gay man and looking for Mr. Right in Tinytown, Alabama.



  1. Not Fooled.... Bob AswellJune 4, 2018 at 12:02 PM

    The best argument for NOT dating these REMAKES is Bruce Genner. Someone needs to know ugly men make ugly women. I'd be surprised to a state of shock to find he STILL has his junk. If he were gay I'd handle it better. By the way he IS. Not fooled....Bob Aswell

  2. An hour of fighting a dude off is enough for me.Eventually I got so weak I almost gave in.

  3. Does any normal human being want to date a freak like Katelyn Jenner?
    Just even trying to think this is a normal relationship or could become one, is delusional. Just think of the problems of intimacy!

  4. Katelyn Bruce Jenner is a woman.
    Islam is a religion of peace.
    Hillary Clinton is honest.
    Obama Loves America.
    Democrats and Republican are working for a better America.
    The FBI is honorable and very capable of finding the truth.
    The media is honest.
    John McCain is a real Hero.
    Liberals are very intelligent.
    Palestine wants peace with the country of Israel.

    Just look at this very short list of stupid illogical things we are being force fed as real.

    Any wonder our children are going crazy shooting up their schools, eating laundry soap, snorting used condoms, and cutting themselves.

  5. Guess who is in charge 5:58? Do you belive in this great deceiver and his followers or the God's truth? Masons and their ilk beleive you can come from darkness to light via the masonic teachings. Your salvation is no secret. Its obvious what our schools, media government and other groups are doing to this upcoming generation by instilling satanic idealogy instead of the truth of Gods words. We are just reaping what has been sown

  6. 7:41 what are you smoking? Masons, really? Next thing we need to do is call Nick Cage!


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