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Saturday, June 09, 2018

Illegal Immigration Is a Major Crime Problem

A recently released Justice Department report reveals that an astonishing one in five individuals incarcerated in federal prisons is an illegal alien, which amounts to a $1.5 million bill every DAY to the American taxpayer.

However, the greater expense of illegal immigration is not measured in dollars. The report notes illegal alien crime statistics from the state of Texas alone between 2001 and 2018 — more than 663,000 offenses were committed, including 1,351 homicides, 7,156 sexual assaults, 79,049 assaults and 44,882 thefts, to name but a few. Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan also said this week that “nine out of 10” illegal immigrants arrested have criminal records.

But despite President Donald Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration via his “zero tolerance” policy, the number of illegal alien border crossings has steadily climbed. And one of the primary culprits for this increase can be attributed to Democrats and their huge push for lawless “sanctuary cities” that essentially act as giant magnets attracting greater numbers of illegal aliens.



  1. Illegal Immigration Is a Major Crime Problem


  2. Democrats are criminals.

  3. Another raciast

    Us Darkies are taking over

  4. Anyone who would vote democrat is an absolute idiot. They have caused all the problems in this country. They only let illegals stay here because they see them as potential voters. That's why they want to make it easy for them to become citizens. So they will vote for them. Things is, they do not want to become citizens of America. They are only here for the money. They have jobs in their home country. Only here they make a little more. How many of them have you seen that came across our border, look emaciated. Do they look like they are starving to death? Do their kids look sickly? NO, they do not. Plus, where does the thousands of dollars come from that they use to hire someone to take them to our border????? Do you have thousands of dollars in the bank? I don't. It is not as bad as they say. They just come here for the money and take, "Land of the Free", literally.


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