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Saturday, June 16, 2018

IG Report: FBI Never Designated Hillary Clinton as ‘Subject’ of Classified Email Probe

NEW YORK — The Justice Department’s internal watchdog division documented in its report released today that the FBI’s criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s misuse of her private email server never actually designated Clinton as a subject or target of the official probe.

This news comes even though former FBI Director James Comey described Clinton as the subject during his overview to the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General, which released its 500-page report today. The report also documented how Comey and former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe were highly involved in overseeing the probe.

The report quotes Randall Coleman, the former assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, as expressing shock that the FBI investigation remained designated as “unknown subject(s),” known within the FBI as UNSUB, even as it became clear the investigation started to focus on Clinton.

“We certainly started looking more closely at the Secretary because they were her emails,” Coleman told the Inspector General’s office. “I don’t know [why] that was the case, why it was UNSUB. I’m really shocked that it would have stayed that way because certainly the investigation started really kind of getting more focused.”


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