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Friday, June 15, 2018

Hillary's Intent: What James Comey Missed

James Mr. Magoo Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Magoo, while acknowledging that Hillary had put the country’s secrets on her home server – i.e., without their protective coding – could find no “intent” in her doing so. It just happened. Let’s unpack that.

While these numbers are not out of line with the Clintons’ AGI in the surrounding years, the question still arises…What was this money being paid for? It can’t all be for speeches by Bill on diarrhea in Africa (as characterized by the inimitable Mark Steyn).

Let’s put it this way…
Rockefeller sold oil
Ford sold cars
Gates sold software
What is Hillary selling? Well, as Secretary of State, breaking all precedent, protocol and the lessons of signals intelligence of the 20th century, she arranged for the top-secret communications of our country to be available to outside listeners at her discretion. The Federal Bureau of Magoo doesn’t see anything peculiar about it. Could happen to anybody. James Mr. Magoo Comey isn’t concerned, doubtless because he has “a higher loyalty,” although God knows what it is to. Certainly not the Constitution. Certainly not the destiny of United States of America. Probably it has to do with being a Clinton toady.
So, what is Hillary selling? Us!

Would it make you feel better if you were a soldier if you knew that your mission or your route march had been decided in light of who been able to reach the Secretary of State with the appropriate fee?



  1. Intent does not matter. The Espionage Act is clear and concise. She violated it, and in doing so, broke federal law.

  2. She broke the law by allowing our enemies enter our pcs and view the secret affairs of our Nation. That is treason and so she must be tried for the offense.

  3. Today's journalists should be ashamed. None of them - except for a select few- have looked at the "why". Why did Hillary and Obama lie about Benghazi? Why do he Clintons have a 'foundation ' that seemingly stopped bringing in contributions as soon as 'donors' realized she was a failed candidate and could no longer offer access for bribes? Why did the Obama administration concoct the Russian collusion crap?
    None of te are asking why???


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