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Monday, June 25, 2018

Guys With Hair Like This Have A 125% Chance Of Giving You A Ticket


  1. If you break the law , I'll give you a ticket 100% of the time , that's what laws are four. I don't have any hair and I don't carry a warning book.

  2. Of course,they are all cops.

  3. Is that Mike Lewis on the bottom right. LOL LOL

  4. 6:39 I am proud to have someone protecting us that doesn't know the difference between "four" and "for" or can't be bothered to proofread before sending an electronic message. It instills real confidence that you are allowed to interpret laws or carrying a firearm.

  5. If they put on their cap and they have nothing but skin showing on the sides of their heads, you are going to get a ticket. It's what these police thugs live for.

  6. Hold it just a second. Are they pictures of Sheriff Lewis, the one that Wicomico County residents adore?

  7. Anonymous said...
    Hold it just a second. Are they pictures of Sheriff Lewis, the one that Wicomico County residents adore?
    June 25, 2018 at 10:27 AM

    only if he colors his hair

  8. is this profiling??? Someone call the ACLU I'm being profiled!!!!

  9. They police don’t ‘give’ tickets - and hose are earned - obey the law and drive in a courteous manner and there won’t be any issues

  10. June 25, 2018 at 8:53 AM:

    You should have made it clear you were being sarcastic. That moron cop probably thought you were giving him a compliment.


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