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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Four Things to Know About the Supreme Court Vacancy

1. This is why the American people elected President Trump.

At this time in 2016, candidate Trump had recently made public his proposed Supreme Court shortlist. The prospect of filling Justice Scalia’s seat with someone from that list of outstanding men and women – rather than a liberal activist appointed by Hillary Clinton – was the deciding factor driving many to the polls to elect Trump President. And he has made good on that campaign promise in spades, with a raft of top-flight nominees to the appellate courts as well as the crown jewel, Justice Gorsuch. Now, as Gorsuch completes his first full term on the Court, it is clear that he is the judge we all hoped he would be: smart, fair, reasonable, and independent. His commitment to the Constitution and faithfulness to the laws he is tasked with interpreting have already left their mark on the Court.

2. The next Justice, whoever he or she is, will be outstanding.

The sports teams making their draft picks would kill for the bench President Trump has. The list from which he has pledged to select the next Justice includes the best and brightest of our federal and state judges. They all have judicial records of listening to the arguments of both sides in the courtroom, delivering well-reasoned decisions, and fairly applying the law with a scrupulous adherence to the Constitution. Like Justice Gorsuch, each one of them has the wisdom and experience necessary to sit on the Supreme Court from Day One.



  1. Item #1 was the reason I voted. I wouldn't vote for Hellary Clinton under any circumstance but I went to the polls and voted because of Trump's SC list.

  2. I'm not a big booster of Trump, but give him credit and thanks for saving us from Hillary and her minions.

    And lets not forget that Mitch McConnell made it possible for Justice Gorsuch to be on the Supreme Court rather than that doofus that Obama nominated.

  3. It’s going to turn this country around, Rowe vs Wade reversed, concealed carry nationwide, gay rights nullified, affirmative action halted, prayer back in schools, immigrants rounded up and deported. LEOs given more powers, Roseanne back on TV, no more #metoo bs, Can’t happen soon enough

  4. What was Trump’s South Carolina list? Did he have a specific agenda for Carolinians?

  5. 2:35 are you that dense that when in a column discussing the Supreme Court you don't realize that SC is short for Supreme Court. You may think you are being cute but you are just being an butthead.

    People of normal or greater intelligence read things in the context in which they are written. The ones who don't are called liberals.

  6. I have never liked it when there's so much worry about who's going to the SC.

    There's too much unaccountable power in so few. We can shape and influence our Congressmen but cannot call up our SC Justice to express our desire.

  7. Just think, 2:35 gets to vote!

    This is a tragedy here in this country, anyone, even if IQ is 35 gets to vote.


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