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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Donald Trump: Congress Must Let Us Deport Children and Families Together

President Donald Trump defended his tough enforcement of immigration laws on Tuesday, blaming Democrats for failing to work with Republicans to change the laws to allow families to stay together.

“What I’m asking Congress to do is to give us a third option, which we have been requesting since last year, the legal authority to detain and promptly remove families together as a unit,” Trump said, calling it “the only solution to the border crisis.”

He said that he wanted to stop the separation of families but did not want to simply release adults and children together into the United States.

“As a result of Democrat-supported loopholes and our federal laws, most illegal immigrant families and minors from Central America who arrive unlawfully at the border cannot be detained together or removed together, only released,” Trump said

Trump said that the current immigration and asylum law policies were enticing smugglers to bring children illegally into the country.

“They’ve learned the loopholes in this horrible, rotten system that the Democrats have to help us fix,” he said.

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  1. totally agree with the headline and cannot be accomplished to soon

  2. They are here illegally. They must be sent back until they go through the process of getting work permits and working to become legal citizens. Taxpayers are sick and tired of paying for benefits for people who are not legal citizens of our country, especially those who show disrespect toward our flag and our laws. The liberal democrats are responsible for all this madness. And so is anyone who votes for them.

  3. Democrats rarely work with anyone but other Democrats.


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