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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Do You Get It Now?


  1. Speak for yourself. I’m neither Republican or Democrat but that buffoon does not, nor will he ever, represent me.

    1. Then move - we don't like your attitude no matter what! Just leave.

    2. Sorry you feel this way you should leave the country if that is how you feel

    3. Sorry you feel this way you should just leave the country

  2. Bob Aswell.. Not FooledJune 30, 2018 at 1:03 PM

    Their power base is dwindling due to the fact of their stupid ideas and the nuts that comprise the caucus that lead them. When it comes to having a sane answer to any problem they have nothing. My grandma told me 'ignorance is a sad affliction' and they have the poster child to bolster that conclusion, Mad cow Waters. If the law doesn't suit them their plan is to commit perjury, obstruct, sue, and try to enlist subterfuge to attain their goals.
    Thankfully, one by one the electorate is seeing what the results are of un-checked boarders, radical representatives, and general idiocy and they are converting to rational law-making and law enforcement that founded this Country.
    The idea of a group of dunces in D.C. are going to make this United States a shade of ecru where anything goes is ludicrous and the folks who live here are going to lay down like Congress does will never come to fruition by any stretch of the imagination. If things don't change, I see a day when Dumbocrats and their dupes will be hunted like the American Indian. By the way, those acts were orchestrated by them if you want to get back to basics.
    Not Fooled....Bob Aswell

  3. It's their ploy to gain more voters. Real Americans are waking up to their deceitful schemes.

  4. Democrats (Communists) don’t represent Canadians and Mexicans. They represent themselves (international bankers).

    Communism as created by Karl Marx was NEVER about helping the Proletariat, but instead was ALL about over-throwing the Bourgeois. The Bourgeois stood in the way of the “new fiat money” bankers led by the Rothschild Cartel of internationalist thinking bankers.

  5. Here is what would be going on in the whole country if it were up to the democrats.


    democrats are nasty wastes of oxygen who are willingly to sacrifice their own children in order to advance their agenda. If any dare to deny this they are lying because all democrats lie about everything. There isn't a democrat dead or alive who has ever or will ever contribute anything positive to society. They are the lowest form of life. Degenerates who never evolved into civilized human beings.

  6. 12:48,The president has done more for you than any democrat ever has.

  7. 12:48. You may not be democrat or republican but you are a total dumb a$$

  8. Democrats plan. Plan A, Get the illegals to stay here. Plan B, Give them the right to vote. Plan C, Remind them who let them stay in America. " Now you remember when you go to the polls, who let you stay here. Ok? They do no take care of or even care about Americans, because they already know who they will vote for. The illegals are potential voters. Millions of them. Democrats work for themselves. Not America. They need to get rid of President Trump, because they know he is going to come after them for the criminal acts they committed and he will prosecute them. They were so sure Hillary would win and their azz would be covered by her because she is right there in it with them. When Trump won, the fear of God went through them. Knowing he was going to find out what they have done. So now they go after anything to get rid of him to keep from being prosecuted. Get them Trump. The people are behind you.


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